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Duskwing bug is still in an error state. I had it running on a toon yesterday, and it still failed. I simply shot the flare and the profile continued from there.
ok, thanks for info will run that profile again to check the bug
duskwing was attempted yesterday can't seem to find that quest being picked up, however, I had to manually complete it yesterday night.

perfect thanks , find the error and know how to fix it, but still will run one char just to check the fix will do its correct

thanks for log
Well, 100% AFK is never gonna happen, but mainly it's not Cava or Kicks fault. Mostly I get nav errors. Stuck on fences, behind walls, unlucky routes to a quest item etc. I have to babysit a lot to get it to continue. I already had to help my toon 3 times in 30 minutes (lvl 88, doing MoP Jade Forest) to unstuck it.
One thing I did notice (I know, log!) is, since the release of MoP, no QB has ever been able to do the concentration quest (Finding your center), where you drink the potion and have to make sure the slider stays in the middle by pressing 1 or 2. I always had to do this one manually, bot just does not press anything at all. In the beginning there was a popup stating you have to do this one manually, but there isn't anymore. My log just spams "[Singular] STUNNED: loss of control" during the entire quest.


Well, 100% AFK is never gonna happen, but mainly it's not Cava or Kicks fault. Mostly I get nav errors. Stuck on fences, behind walls, unlucky routes to a quest item etc. I have to babysit a lot to get it to continue. I already had to help my toon 3 times in 30 minutes (lvl 88, doing MoP Jade Forest) to unstuck it.
One thing I did notice (I know, log!) is, since the release of MoP, no QB has ever been able to do the concentration quest, where you drink the potion and have to make sure the slider stays in the middle by pressing 1 or 2. I always had to do this one manually, bot just does not press anything at all. In the beginning there was a popup stating you have to do this one manually, but there isn't anymore. My log just spams "[Singular] STUNNED: loss of control" during the entire quest.

Hi Soeski

its true 100% afk its near impossible because too many variables to avoid, when i wrote its 100% AFK im meaning about profile side (if we ignore some bugs that i still need fix) the full profiles works without need human interaction, they move, they train, they buy, sell, etc etc

About Mop Profiles, they are all writen few months ago when i just starting learning (and im still learning) how to script, they are full of bad (lines/choices/parts) i just made MOP profiles because some users PM me and ask for that, and at time no1 else is doing that, thay have some bugs inside, latter when i my regular leveling profiles will hit 85, i will script MOP again andfor sure remove lots of bugs
Here is the Gorat issue/error.

Hi Botbetterwork
Did you cleaned cache after find the issue and try again?
i bet thats an cache bug (or bliz changed quest) will check that asap

please dont forget ALLWAYS you change/swap wow characters you MUST shutdown/restart bot
I sure did, I restarted, repaired, etc. I had to manually complete the quests. No big issues. What I noticed, is that for some reason the quest itself wasn't picked up, and still tried to talk to Gorat on the ground. I'm noticing now, the character is doing huge loops. Flew to Org, then ran back to Ashenvale.
Is there a reason why my bot keeps selling EVERYTHING in it's bags ?
It's only when I use your profiles..
It sells everything, even hearthstone :(
It rebuys food/water, creates now healthstones but sells it immediately >.<
It's not the protected items.xml file, since everything works normally on my other chars.
Your profiles are unusable right now >.>
Is there a reason why my bot keeps selling EVERYTHING in it's bags ?
It's only when I use your profiles..
It sells everything, even hearthstone :(
It rebuys food/water, creates now healthstones but sells it immediately >.<
It's not the protected items.xml file, since everything works normally on my other chars.
Your profiles are unusable right now >.>

Whit this profiles and while leveling bot will need empty bags, to keep leveling 100%afk, bot follow the next lines to empty bag:
-Mail itens (if you have an defined alt char at mail tab, bot will mail itens to that char before try anything else.
-Sell itens (bot will try sell itens)
-Destroy itens (remanescent itens, will be destroid)

-Reapair (after clean bags, bot will repair)

-Pick New Hearthstone (because bot destroied HS, will pick a new one)
-Buy Food/Water (because bot dont have food/water will buy new ones)
I sure did, I restarted, repaired, etc. I had to manually complete the quests. No big issues. What I noticed, is that for some reason the quest itself wasn't picked up, and still tried to talk to Gorat on the ground. I'm noticing now, the character is doing huge loops. Flew to Org, then ran back to Ashenvale.

profiles are built with "move to right map" thats an huge routine, and because its almost impossible check distance (its posssible but will make any profile realy big) bot always go to main city (Orgrimmar/Stormwind) and from there to map where will quest. This only appens when users/bugs stop bot and when start again bot will need move to next leveling map, while running X profile and inside that X profile there is a rotine to move to next map whitout doing the big travel to main city
need help! every time i load the starter profile honor buddy crashes
give him time, cavaplugin is downloading all profiles and quest behaviors, isnt crashing, just takes like 2 or 3 minutes maximum
These 3 quests: Flesh From The Hills, Are We There Yeti? The Perfect Horns, which are located in Winterspring... the bot had had trouble doing these quests, idk if it's the profiles fault or the bot itselfs fault, but the bot clearly that a really hard time navigating the cave, and recognizing what to be doing during the quest, the bot actually killed the big mob you needed to kill for "The Perfect Horns" 3 times, and I had to loot it myself, but even after that the bot still kept camping the boss, running to the wall, and then killing it again. After that, the bot proceeded to complete the remaining 2 quests, but would fall down the inclines in the cave over and over and I had to manually walk the bot to the upper floor of the cave and get it to attack and enemy to get the bot to correct it's pathing.

Once again, not sure if this is a profile issue, or a bot issue.. but it seems there's a lot of issues in Winterspring... another problem I had here is the bot died at the big frozen lake, and the bot wasn't able to find a path back to my body.
Off for some reading, plugin installed, but I just keep buying and selling food ????

I have looged out of HB, cleared cache, swap characters in wow, cleared it's cache.

Log coming shortly.

Here is my log, just buys food, sells food, goes to find food elsewhere, rinse and repeat. I think the problem is it says you cannot buy food from Dunlor Marblebeard, but you can and it doesn't get brought, goes into an endless loop. Same thing happened with Pangaea, I just brought food and away it went, with yours buying food it just goes and empties the bag and sells it again, creating the infinite loop.


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