Good Evening,
Recently I have decided to give cava a try because I am not happy with the recent changes with kicks and the 40-50 quest and it keeps having me quest in areas I out level. While using Cava its a hit or miss some times many quest in felwood, tanaris, ashenvale itll have me try to either collect things on dead mobs around me that cant be looted or the quest item used on it. today I got this while in felwood
[LoadProfile-v533(fatal) @line 794]: Profile 'C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\HB1\Default Profiles\Cava\Scripts\erro.xml' does not exist. Download or unpack problem with profile?
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
Bot Stopped! Reason: Fatal error in custom behavior LoadProfile-v533.
Not sure what this is from since I have not changed anything from the toons I am leveling. Any thoughts and suggestions. I mainly use cava from 40-50 because they changed kicks 40-50 but other then a few quest I have to stop the bot and do it manually im enjoying this profile so far
Edit : Also wanted to let you know some of those quest its the robot deal in tanaris it try to use on the dead basilisk also during one of the quest about the ones on killing the scrops it keeps running my toon into the instance in tanaris as well over and over I find that if I have to stop the bot and do a quest by hand when I go to start it again itll always fly me to a main city and fly me back. Also not sure if you can add this by hand but even with a alt to send things in the mail IE cloth and boe items it still sells them it always destroys my hearthstone all the time.