Here is a log for the going to maincity stunt
in log i cant find profile errors but let me try explain what i can see:
PRE- this situation:
dont know if you used cava's profiles from level 1 to 11, will assume yes, and something appens or bug or you stoped bot because inside 5->11 last thing bot does is travel from Darnassus to Darkshore, then load next profile. and that is failed because you start bot at Darnassus
all cava profiles are scripted with move to map where bot will quest, isnt important where bot start , if bot is at rong map will always do this travels:
first will move to StormWind city if Alliance or Orgrimmar if is Horde
second will move to map where will quest
i cant script every and each profile with map detection to move using less time, its almost impossible too many variables, more than 1000 lines need be added to each profile just to check all conditions, so the first step is like i explained ALWAYS move to Main city, and then profile will move toon for main city to right quest map
your toon started in darnassus, profile moved him to SW =MAIN CITY and then you stoped bot
means the first movment is done, just start bot, toon will move to Darkshore and will start questing
Finaly: my question is about pre- (first lines i wrote) did you stop bot? or bug? if bot got stuck by bug, please upload that log so i can analise and fix the movement from darnasus to darkshore inside [A-Quest](05-11)Teldrassil[Cava]