Still the same situation, after 6 hours of farming, instead of moving to the next char and prospect, it just resets the gather profile and keeps going!, anyone PLEASE help me fix this thing, il freaking pay
[11:26:43 AM:938] Starting ARelog v1.0.3.5
[11:26:43 AM:941] Checking for updates.
[11:26:44 AM:233] ARelog is up-to-date
[11:26:51 AM:663] Starting WoW
[11:26:51 AM:673] Waiting for WoW to idle
[11:27:00 AM:588] [PID: 3260] Selecting character and entering world.
[11:27:01 AM:595] [PID: 3260] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[11:27:09 AM:600] [PID: 3260] Starting Honorbuddy
[11:27:44 AM:790] [PID: 3260] Current Task: Botname: Gatherbuddy2 - ProfilePath: C:\Users\Flavius\Desktop\HonnorBudd\SVN FILES\SVNED\Gather Profiles\Uldum Gathering\[GB2] Zuabro's Uldum Mining Only 3.1.xml - Finish Time: 4/19/2012 4:26:51 PM
[11:31:41 AM:146] [PID: 3260] Disconnected! Restarting WoW + Buddy
[11:31:52 AM:580] Starting WoW
[11:31:52 AM:588] Waiting for WoW to idle
[11:32:02 AM:373] [PID: 1004] Selecting character and entering world.
[11:32:03 AM:37] [PID: 1004] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[11:32:13 AM:538] [PID: 1004] Starting Honorbuddy
[1:51:58 PM:949] [PID: 1004] Disconnected! Restarting WoW + Buddy
[1:52:10 PM:429] Starting WoW
[1:52:10 PM:444] Waiting for WoW to idle
[1:52:20 PM:422] [PID: 4800] Selecting character and entering world.
[1:52:21 PM:131] [PID: 4800] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[1:52:28 PM:640] [PID: 4800] Starting Honorbuddy
[4:26:53 PM:748] [PID: 4800] Reached end of task. Terminating.
Now its supposed to quit it and log to diff char! But it keeps botting, doesnt even STOP!!! how can i bot safely when this program is doing what the heck it wants instead of listening to what i command it to do!