Then I press Start All button (profiles are selected) and it runs, after 2 hours stops and then not starting after 1 hour of idling. Why?Bot Name: Farming 2 hours
Profile Path: c:\profils\[q] ally 1-60.xml
Run Time (in hours): 2
[16:09:10:77] Starting ARelog v1.0.0.8
[16:09:10:80] Checking for updates.
[16:09:12:766] ARelog is up-to-date
[16:09:21:335] Starting WoW
[16:09:21:352] Waiting for WoW to idle
[16:09:26:22] [PID: 1600] Moving WoW Window to: 0, 0 - With size: 1024x768
[16:09:29:828] [PID: 1600] Selecting character and entering world.
[16:09:31:952] [PID: 1600] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[16:09:37:952] [PID: 1600] Starting Honorbuddy
[16:09:46:546] [PID: 1600] Terminating monitor on request.
[16:09:46:888] All monitors are terminated.
[16:09:38:921] Logging in...
[16:09:39:325] Buddy Sessions: 0/0
Shared Sessions: 1/3
[16:09:39:685] -------------------------------
[16:09:39:685] You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
[16:09:39:685] Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
[16:09:39:685] This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #14333
[16:09:39:686] You are currently on build #0
[16:09:39:686] -------------------------------
I have 2 wows and 2 hbs running on a quarter of the screen each, so i can watch the status as well. Took me a while to set that up.
A relog didn't see that a) i'm already logged in on both chars ,which is a little bit sad but b) could you also make it resize and place the hb windows too if the user wishes to do so?
Can you make it automatically place those windows in a perfect 1/4th of the screen somehow? resizing manually is difficult.
For the scheduling can we add a option for x time break, like
Load profile 3 hours
relogin 3 hours profile
kinda idea would be great.,
[9:57:25 AM:180] Starting WoW
[9:57:25 AM:189] Waiting for WoW to idle
[9:57:25 AM:375] [PID: 776] Moving WoW Window to: 3022, 1 - With size: 816x638
Anyone know why it will just open up WoW, think its idle, then "try" to move it, but it does nothing and sits there forever?
TLDR, Opens wow, doesnt move window, idles forever.
With the new update it is constantly spamming the ARelog log with 'Current Task: Botname: Gatherbuddy2 - ProfilePath' and so on.
also when starting it up it keeps thinking HB has crashed (even when it hasn't) and it closes it and re-opens it, it repeats this about 50 times and then it will finally start.
no issues up until this last update.
[9:57:25 AM:180] Starting WoW
[9:57:25 AM:189] Waiting for WoW to idle
[9:57:25 AM:375] [PID: 776] Moving WoW Window to: 3022, 1 - With size: 816x638
Anyone know why it will just open up WoW, think its idle, then "try" to move it, but it does nothing and sits there forever?
TLDR, Opens wow, doesnt move window, idles forever.
Same here.
Yould you built in a "Relog-Delayer" ?
I didn't found an answer onto my question :/