Just wanted to point out a suggestion to fix another old arelog bug : the multiple HB windows crashing during the login.
- If you launch multiple WOW accounts at the same time or with little delay : usually they all get ingame without causing any problem, and rarely crashes (depending on how many accounts you start and your computer specs or network speed...)
- But if you launch multiple HB windows at the same time or with little delay (like 1 to 8 sec between each instance) : usually you get one or more HB windows to crash at the initialization process.
The first suggestion would be to add in arelog a check for the status of the launched accounts.
If you start 3 accounts at the same time for example, all wow windows can start simultaneously (like how it is working now). But each HB account window need to wait for the previous instance to complete it's loading, by checking the status in arelog.
The first HB window can then start instantly when you get ingame, but the next HB window needs to read and wait for the arelog status of all previous accounts to show "Monitoring" before it can start, so arelog can check in a loop all the launched accounts and while one of these accounts has the status of "Logging in", it waits for that status to change.
If the first suggestion is inaccurate or hard to manage, maybe you can add an option on the settings of each account, like a delay input in seconds.
As a user, when having 3 or more accounts to start, i can simply enter in the settings a delay of 0 sec (after wow gets ingame) for my first account before HB can login, 10 sec for the second account, and 20 sec for the third one.
That way, all wow accounts should start at the same time, but when these accounts enter the game simultaneously, the first one gets an instant HB login, and after 10 seconds passes the second HB account starts, and 20 seconds later the third one follows...
Or better yet, having only one input value in the settings for all your accounts. Like if i type 15 seconds in it, the first HB account starts after 15 sec passes, the timer resets and starts counting another 15 secs for the next HB account and so on...
This should fix the HB login crashes for good hopefully.