I have a short question.. sometimes the bot tells to ARelog to don't start again and the bot stops working.. is there a option to ignore it? when i restart it in ARelog it works again.. that makes the ARelog useless anyway..
This reply right here deserves the dumb ass of the year award!Download it and use it from disk
Once you obtain your copy of the profile from the buddy store, you then click on the button to load a profile. It should give you the option to load a profile from the store. Once you choose to load a profile from the store it should open a window allowing you to choose the profile you purchased or obtained on the store.How do you select a profile from the Buddy Store?
Once you obtain your copy of the profile from the buddy store, you then click on the button to load a profile. It should give you the option to load a profile from the store. Once you choose to load a profile from the store it should open a window allowing you to choose the profile you purchased or obtained on the store.
I don't have HB open right now, so I gave those directions from memory. That's how I access my Kick's questing profiles. I click on the little drop down arrow beside the load profile button, choose load profile from store, and then choose the profile I want to use from the store.
Hope it helps.
How do you select a profile from the Buddy Store?
No need to get snippy, sir. I did, in fact, read your question. I even quoted it back to you in this very post. It says, "How do you select a profile from the Buddy Store?" which I was trying to answer. There was nothing in that question about ARelog. You may have thought you posted something about ARelog, but you didn't. I was only trying to be nice and help. There was absolutely no need for the attitude and rude reply. Please, before being snarky, check your prior posts and confirm what you want before going off on other people who are simply trying to assist you by answering your questions. We're not mind-readers you know.
You clearly did not read my question either!
I know how to load a profile!
The question was, what setting do you use in ARelog to load the profile from the Buddy Store? (Not load a profile from a folder, ffs)
No need to get snippy, sir. I did, in fact, read your question. I even quoted it back to you in this very post. It says, "How do you select a profile from the Buddy Store?" which I was trying to answer. There was nothing in that question about ARelog. You may have thought you posted something about ARelog, but you didn't. I was only trying to be nice and help. There was absolutely no need for the attitude and rude reply. Please, before being snarky, check your prior posts and confirm what you want before going off on other people who are simply trying to assist you by answering your questions. We're not mind-readers you know.
True enough, but to be honest, the question was rather vague and the support given by others, and myself, were met with such negativity. It was just unnecessary to act that way towards someone trying to give help, even if the help given wasn't useful. It's not like we wasted his time or anything. He could have quickly glanced at and then skipped over the post. It wasted more of his time to write a negative reply than it would have to just move along with something else.To be fair, we are in the ARelog thread.
[Ignore my post... tossed it in the wrong thread]
Where do I see how long time there is until the next task? for instance "running idle in 12 minutes".
When a task is started it says in log when the end time for the task is.
It doesn't do that for me:/
[17:15:47:152] Waiting for Game to idle
[17:15:53:278] [PID: 1664] Moving Game Window to: 1370, 358 - With size: 549x338
[17:15:53:818] [PID: 1664] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[17:15:58:613] [PID: 1664] Selecting character and entering world.
[17:15:58:937] [PID: 1664] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[17:15:58:937] [PID: 1664] Disposing hooks
[17:16:13:439] [PID: 1664] Starting buddy