[12:17:11:351] Starting ARelog v1.0.21.12
[12:17:18:685] Starting Game
[12:17:18:698] Waiting for Game to idle
[12:17:21:408] [PID: 5708] Moving Game Window to: 2720, 475 - With size: 260x230
[12:17:27:305] [PID: 5708] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[12:17:28:399] [PID: 5708] Selecting BNet Account
[12:17:30:720] [PID: 5708] Selecting character and entering world.
[12:17:31:259] [PID: 5708] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[12:17:31:259] [PID: 5708] Disposing hooks
[12:17:42:262] [PID: 5708] Starting buddy
[12:18:11:551] Starting Game
[12:18:11:563] Waiting for Game to idle
[12:18:14:322] [PID: 5568] Moving Game Window to: 1925, 710 - With size: 260x230
[12:18:19:470] [PID: 5568] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[12:18:20:467] [PID: 5568] Selecting BNet Account
[12:18:22:978] [PID: 5568] Selecting character and entering world.
[12:18:23:754] [PID: 5568] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[12:18:23:754] [PID: 5568] Disposing hooks
[12:18:34:255] [PID: 5568] Starting buddy
[12:19:01:50] Starting Game
[12:19:01:61] Waiting for Game to idle
[12:19:04:163] [PID: 7772] Moving Game Window to: 2190, 710 - With size: 260x230
[12:19:09:484] [PID: 7772] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[12:19:12:176] [PID: 7772] Selecting character and entering world.
[12:19:12:964] [PID: 7772] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[12:19:12:964] [PID: 7772] Disposing hooks
[12:19:23:468] [PID: 7772] Starting buddy
[12:20:12:448] Starting Game
[12:20:12:461] Waiting for Game to idle
[12:20:15:63] [PID: 4968] Moving Game Window to: 2190, 475 - With size: 260x230
[12:20:20:382] [PID: 4968] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[12:20:21:517] [PID: 4968] Selecting BNet Account
[12:20:24:142] [PID: 4968] Selecting character and entering world.
[12:20:25:514] [PID: 4968] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[12:20:25:514] [PID: 4968] Disposing hooks
[12:20:32:14] [PID: 4968] Starting buddy
[12:23:59:349] Internet connection died. Waiting for a valid connection before restarting.
[12:31:08:20] [PID: 4968] Terminating monitor on request.
[12:31:15:27] Starting Game
[12:31:15:41] Waiting for Game to idle
[12:31:18:53] [PID: 8912] Moving Game Window to: 2190, 475 - With size: 260x230
[12:31:23:123] [PID: 8912] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[12:31:24:59] [PID: 8912] Selecting BNet Account
[12:31:26:630] [PID: 8912] Selecting character and entering world.
[12:31:27:643] [PID: 8912] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[12:31:27:643] [PID: 8912] Disposing hooks
[12:31:37:644] [PID: 8912] Starting buddy
[12:33:39:851] Internet connection died. Waiting for a valid connection before restarting.