ArchaeologyBuddy - An Archeology Bot
At this moment, it's definitely the Archaeology-bot that's extremely dangerous to play.
Let me describe what I noticed.
Last night, I decided to give this bot a try and in no-time I could identify the bots from the "real" players.
The bot lands on an Archaeology patch, does the first dig and depending on red, yellow or green, it will walk 20 yards, 10 yards or just a few feet respectively.
At the next green signal, the bot will take three tree steps and performs another dig etc. Three silly looking steps at a time, until it finds the artefact.
For one, those distances should be doubled, plus the distance should be randomised with a minimum of a few feet. No normal player counts three steps and then starts digging again.
Then, after being done with this particular patch, the bot very often just stands there, doing nothing at all.
One time I saw a warrior digging for "nothing", because he was just standing there, digging but not moving.
I attacked him and there was no response at all. Just waiting to be killed. He came back and the same thing repeated.
Just go to the dig sites, and you will easily identify each and every bot.
So do not bot with Archaeology-bot.
You WILL be reported because it's simply too obvious.