[1:38:44 AM:684] Activity: Searching for digsites...
[1:38:44 AM:701] [ArchBuddy]: Found digsite Ruins of Baari Digsite [Distance: 3918.155 yards]
[1:38:44 AM:702] [ArchBuddy]: Found digsite Grangolvar Village Digsite [Distance: 136.2855 yards]
[1:38:44 AM:702] [ArchBuddy]: Found digsite Eclipse Point Digsite [Distance: 3855.015 yards]
[1:38:44 AM:702] [ArchBuddy]: Found digsite Wardens Cage Digsite [Distance: 4062.288 yards]
[1:38:44 AM:702] [ArchBuddy]: Selected "Grangolvar Village Digsite" as the next digsite.
[1:38:45 AM:652] Activity: Moving to the digsite
[1:38:45 AM:707] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[1:38:45 AM:707] Loading Expansion01_21_36
[1:38:45 AM:806] Loading Expansion01_22_37
[1:38:45 AM:882] Loading Expansion01_23_36
[1:38:45 AM:980] Loading Expansion01_21_37
[1:38:46 AM:074] Loading Expansion01_23_37
[1:38:46 AM:159] Loading Expansion01_22_35
[1:38:46 AM:467] [hearthomatic]: checking if Grangolvar Village Digsite is really the best digsite (136.0712 yards)
[1:38:46 AM:467] [hearthomatic]: selected digsite is in the same zone as us (3519), aborting check
[1:38:46 AM:469] Activity: Moving to the digsite
[1:38:47 AM:069] Spell_C::CastSpell(32244, 0, 0x0, 0) [825]
[1:38:55 AM:004] Activity: Surveying
[1:38:55 AM:005] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [826]
[1:38:57 AM:140] [ArchBuddy]: Next survey point (db): <-2459.28, 4915.366, 33.58967>
[1:38:57 AM:140] Activity: Moving to next survey point
[1:38:57 AM:254] Spell_C::CastSpell(32244, 0, 0x0, 0) [827]
[1:39:03 AM:933] Activity: Surveying
[1:39:03 AM:935] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [828]
[1:39:06 AM:104] [ArchBuddy]: Next survey point (db): <-2472, 4888.439, 37.57967>
[1:39:06 AM:104] Activity: Moving to next survey point
[1:39:10 AM:184] Activity: Surveying
[1:39:10 AM:186] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [829]
[1:39:12 AM:353] [ArchBuddy]: Next survey point (db): <-2511.696, 4882.044, 40.29442>
[1:39:12 AM:353] Activity: Moving to next survey point
[1:39:17 AM:733] Activity: Surveying
[1:39:17 AM:735] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [830]
[1:39:20 AM:171] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [831]
[1:39:22 AM:569] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [832]
[1:39:25 AM:019] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [833]
[1:39:27 AM:719] [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites...
[1:39:27 AM:719] Activity: Searching for digsites...
[1:39:27 AM:736] [ArchBuddy]: Found digsite Ruins of Baari Digsite [Distance: 3917.079 yards]
[1:39:27 AM:736] [ArchBuddy]: Found digsite Grangolvar Village Digsite [Distance: 136.3799 yards]
[1:39:27 AM:736] [ArchBuddy]: Found digsite Eclipse Point Digsite [Distance: 3854.534 yards]
[1:39:27 AM:736] [ArchBuddy]: Found digsite Wardens Cage Digsite [Distance: 4061.371 yards]
[1:39:27 AM:736] [ArchBuddy]: Selected "Grangolvar Village Digsite" as the next digsite.
[1:39:28 AM:701] Activity: Moving to the digsite
[1:39:28 AM:801] Spell_C::CastSpell(32244, 0, 0x0, 0) [834]
[1:39:31 AM:051] [hearthomatic]: checking if Grangolvar Village Digsite is really the best digsite (136.1019 yards)
[1:39:31 AM:051] [hearthomatic]: selected digsite is in the same zone as us (3519), aborting check
[1:39:36 AM:654] Activity: Surveying
[1:39:36 AM:655] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [835]
[1:39:39 AM:072] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [836]
[1:39:41 AM:240] [ArchBuddy]: Next survey point (db): <-2467.759, 4979.652, 31.30428>
[1:39:41 AM:240] Activity: Moving to next survey point