3 Problem Exavation Sites in Eastern Kingdom
first I must say a big grats to the new version. It runs perfect under Windows 7 X 64 and I have no crashes any more. The new layout is also very good once you know where the features are now
AB becomes really stable and you can let it run a long time without taking care. BUT its always the same 3 sites that makes problems. I dont have log file included because I posted one before and its always the same problems, so I think a description of the problem would help more.
1. Aerie Peack (Nistgipfel)
This is a site of the Wildhammer Clan. If you go there as Horde then there comes the moment where you are very near the inn. You start killing one guard, 1 second later another guard spawns, kill it, 1 second later another guard - kill it. More and more the toon goes into the building which ends up in a mass kill of ally guards. My tank char is very strong and can do it forever but it would never stop and every player there would know that you are botting and maybe will call the GM.
2. Ironband Excavation Site
There is a tent. And in this tent there are also guards. The toon like to fly to this tent and kill the guards. The respawn is also so fast that it will never stop. Also a very big danger getting caught.
3. Nekmani Springs
Every 2nd try there the toon falls into the water and cant get out. Its very tricky there because there is a small bridge with a well and small paths where you can fall. This is maybe a mesh problem. Also when doing this manually you must look not to fall into the water
Except this 3 sites - Eastern Kingdom runs perfect. Thanx for all your hard work.
It would be great if you could make the toon not killing PVP Guards. It would be OK if it just runs away, wait a bit and restart digging.
PS: if your toon getting stucked in EK just use the plugin here that in this case it uses the heartstone to restart at the inn again - works perfect