Done a quick test:
1 - Not casting on raid out of combat, Continous Healing Mode On. When it enters the raid it's ok, casting and all that stuff, when i mount and then dismount, it stops healing out of combat. Dying also causes that.
2 - Could you also add an option to use specific Holy Prism at X% health? So i could set it like "Only tanks and with health below X%" or when X units are below X% health.
3 - Improve Beacon of Faith (and Light) logic. Not working so good, if does not respects the % on the GUI and sometimes don't even cast it, so i need to cast it manually.
4 - Dispels could have a tab also, like Oracle II, so we could setup things like "Dispel Expel Magic: Fire when nobody is around 5 yards of the target", or put built in the CR
If i came across more things i'll let you know, like i said, it was a quick test... Tomorrow night when i raid with my guildies i'll post a log here.
But on general, pretty solid CR. Rotation (with the exception of the Beacons logic) is really good, and fast. FPS are not an issue, like you said yourself, it's pretty nice!!