Just purchased the new .006 version, and had some issues that I wanted to bring up and some questions, Avenging Wrath for me wouldn't go off, I first had it set to avg group health at 80% and nothing, currently using Sanctified Wrath Talent and glyph of merciful wrath as well, then I swapped the setting to on cooldown and hit start/stop joined a raid and still never cast the spell once, so not sure what might be going on there. Also how does the logic work for beacon of Light and Beacon of faith, i see the percentages, so if i put say beacon of faith to 100% on tank and 0 for the other two, it will always put it on a tank, i assume the tank with current aggro or lowest health? assuming you have the beacon glyph? and If i put Beacon of light to 0 for tank and say 50% for heals/dps will it move it to a heals/dps when they are at 50% and that would be where a FoL would go off on them, assuming i had it set to 50% as well for mana saving on it or what? Under talents for Holy Prism the fields are backwards the field for # of units is labled/titled for percentage and vice versa. And lastly how many hp does it use for EF/LoD I had it to only cast LoD if you had 5 targets under 65% and EF was set to 75%, I saw it cast EFs it seemed at 2 and sometimes 3 hp, not sure why it would ever cast under 3 hp, and does it check for the LoD "condition" to be true to use the HP before EF, as it never cast LoD at all even tho it could have, thanks in advance for your answers, and thanks for the great product.