is this the best pvp routine for a feral? or is there a better alternative?
My HonorBuddy Client just crashes when I click "Class Config".
View attachment 149861
Any help would be awesome.
This error should have been fixed when version was released.
still no dice with same behavior and error in logs.
No longer crashes when trying to setup the class. With that said, there still seems to be some serious issues. The behavior I witnessed with the attached log:
1.) Pressed start, bot stood and did nothing.
2.) Manually targeted and attacked a mob. Routine seemed to work fine during combat (this time)
3.) Manually targeted and initiated combat with another mob, whereby the bot then began to pull another, run away, pull another, and began to pull a 4th mob before I stopped it.
View attachment 150028
Hope this helps hash out any issues.
Enable attack on assist in WoW Settings.
I will check to see if there is an issue with lower level Balance Questing.
Looking over the log quickly I can see 2 issues:
1. There seems to be issues generating paths with the profile you are using?
2. There appears to be an issue with Starfall? (Have you tried disabling this as a temporary work around.)