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[PAID] HazzDruid [Premium Edition]

If anybody here is good with making GUI could you please PM me.
I am looking to do a massive update however I am unsure on how to link
the GUI into the CC. Any help would be great, all credits will be given were due.
I still see very VERY little useage of Swiftmend.
It prios removing corruption rather than healing o.0 Tank died a few times cause it spammed dispell while he was low with no hots.
I've seen it use Nourish once.
Haven't seen it use healing touch yet.
Still has a tendency to spam Regrowth especially when people are reaching 50%. It IS better than last build though
HDD Version 1.1.2
.Fixed issue with over spamming Rejuvenation
.Fixed issue with over spamming Remove Corruption
.Implemented the new cooldown blacklist feature
(Will stop the CC from over spamming spells that are in use)
.Adjusted spell casting times & percentages
Using the PVP CC, I seem to mostly just heal myself. As in, other people take damage, but I just cast heals on myself (when I haven't taken damage). I'll try and upload a log when I get back to the system it's on.
Thanks for this CC. Works perfectly for me in normals, just having mana problems in heroics (although that might be down to only 2300 IC regen)

I think half my mana problems stem from bad dps pulling aggro or standing in fire/cleave/etc.

I would like to make a request: add a blacklist for player names, so that the CC doesn't heal the people on the list (or gives them lowest priority at all times - if anyone else needs healing they get it before the people on the list).

I find that if a bad pull goes down I need to stop the bot and heal manually for the simple reason that some dps will do stupid things - and to counter this the fastest way to get aggro back to the tank and to relieve the burden on my GCDs is to let them die (as opposed to try to heal them hard as i can, they might die anyway, then I get healer agro). Such a list as I request would allow the CC to automatically (with a tiny bit of setup) prioritize the more valuable members of a group.
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so, was perfect for 80-85 normals, even hcs going fine, but dispeling prio.... tank died a few times cause of that, and maby if u got some time., pls make a raid 1 as well... where instead of spaming regrowth its spaming nourish... or il just run ooom before boss its at 50%! tx u!
I'm Loving it. Heals em good. Does go oom occasionally with my 351 Ilvl toon, but only when we are lacking in the dps department or have a tank who is incompetent. I use the Recomended spec with IB movement disabled.
I recommend getting addon "GTFO". Alerts you to get out of the Stuff. :eek:
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I am starting to get a little annoyed with the amount of people complaining that they go OOM due to lack of gear or being in a bad group! You can't expect to jump straight to a heroic without gearing up. Please stop putting stupid messages and I quote, 'It sucks'. I only update the CC during my spare time as I currently work 40+ hours per week. RANT OVER!
I am starting to get a little annoyed with the amount of people complaining that they go OOM due to lack of gear or being in a bad group! You can't expect to jump straight to a heroic without gearing up. Please stop putting stupid messages and I quote, 'It sucks'. I only update the CC during my spare time as I currently work 40+ hours per week. RANT OVER!

Yup mana issue's are fine. if you put some effort into your toon, Get it some gear Enchant it, gem it etc. the only time you go oom is if your Tank or dps are retards. You are trying to bot a healer the backbone to a group you cant just walk in and start doing it naked. this is not dps guys.

Edit: The cc is Awesome btw. Heals heroics like a dream! As soon as you get nourish worked out will be HOLYSHIT good.
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hazard this CC is working GREAT mate you have done a great job i have 2 druids allie and horde and i rarly go OOM i have PVE+ PVP gear

got 96K mana without flask and 2.2K spirit with druid buff

doing HC''s everyday no problems here
Hazard when i said "it sucks" it was in reference to me going oom, not your cc. Your work is excellent.
I'm the opposite as the above actually.

It responds well, and I love that I can interrupt a spell and all that if I have to move, but I'm still rarely casting nourish, and way over spamming regrowth which makes me go oom pretty quick as my gear still needs a little improvement, but I'm pretty well off overall. Probably just bad luck, or a bad tank that is getting assbeaten or something. heh.
it dosnt resurects ... it dosnt battle resurect and it dosnt do normal resurect ... :( any chance u can make some changes to resurect when out of combat and to battle res when in combat ?

*edit* waw i just saw a resurect for the first time ... after combat ... but why dosnt he do it everytime someone dies ? ...

one more problem that i have and i also seen a lot of people on this thread complaining that he never uses nourish ... he uses too much regrowth wich takes a lot of mana. i`m not complaining about this so please dont take offence. i`m just trying to point out stuff that u could improve on :) ... hope it helps. if i see any other stuff that i dont like i`ll come back here and post it. hope my critics help u improve this CC... personaly i think u did an awesome job with it. thanks
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it dosnt resurects ... it dosnt battle resurect and it dosnt do normal resurect ... :( any chance u can make some changes to resurect when out of combat and to battle res when in combat ?

*edit* waw i just saw a resurect for the first time ... after combat ... but why dosnt he do it everytime someone dies ? ...

one more problem that i have and i also seen a lot of people on this thread complaining that he never uses nourish ... he uses too much regrowth wich takes a lot of mana. i`m not complaining about this so please dont take offence. i`m just trying to point out stuff that u could improve on :) ... hope it helps. if i see any other stuff that i dont like i`ll come back here and post it. hope my critics help u improve this CC... personaly i think u did an awesome job with it. thanks

You better upload a logfile, because mine Revives peoples 100% of the times and uses Rebirth in combat 100% of the time.
I am starting to get a little annoyed with the amount of people complaining that they go OOM due to lack of gear or being in a bad group! You can't expect to jump straight to a heroic without gearing up. Please stop putting stupid messages and I quote, 'It sucks'. I only update the CC during my spare time as I currently work 40+ hours per week. RANT OVER!

This. I tried using this CC as soon as I turned 85 and failed miserably because I didn't realize just how important the gear was. I've been working on gearing up for a while now and I'll try again once I get the last couple pieces I'm looking for. In the meantime, the CC is working beautifully in normal mode 85s dungeons.
What's the best way to stop or delay the use of Faerie Fire? I consistently pull agro before tanks can generate primary threat because FF is instantly cast as soon as they target a mob, before they've had a chance to react.

Also instead of FF, it would be more useful to cast Thorns on the tank, especially when using glyph.