I mean like random pauses in the bots movement where it just stands there, even in AV. Falls behind the group as well. I'm sure it's not your CS or whatever but do you have any tips as for me to make it more lifelike? Also like I said theres random stops and turn arounds then turns back around and goes in the direction it was originally going. You know like how if you're holding W and right click by mistake and get turned around, that's what it does. About 2 out of 10 times. Should I post somewhere else and point this out or do you or anyone here have any tips about this? It does it no matter how I run the CS rather heals or feral. I'm guessing it's something within BGbuddies programing or the profile it uses or something. No idea myself really what does it or what should be done about it. Though I suppose I could try writing my own pathing script and see if it does it then too, dunno. I sort of have a feeling it will. lol