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Has anybody been using HB for 3-6 months without a ban?

I guess I'll chime in here. I've been botting with honorbuddy/gatherbuddy since mid wrath. I've taken the odd break in my subscription for a few months here and there.

The only banwave that I was caught in was the one about 6 months ago, on only one account. I assume because I was 24/7 afk leveling characters, running farms, etc. At that point I had pretty much stopped caring about WoW and just suicide botted.

My other account, and the one I use as my main now has never been banned, I mostly use CRs for arena on characters I don't know well, as well as using the quest bot for short believable bursts of leveling on characters that I find boring to level or have long dungeon queues.
no you haven't. this is total garbage. if you bot more than once a month you've been caught in one of the MANY, MANY waves over the last 2 years. They have often collected information on botters over sometimes 1-2 months then done ban waves.
Also it's not doom and gloom. Honorbuddy is still the best bot, with the best profiles and customer service but it's had a very rough year in detections and nobody can deny that. You used to be able to get away with 1-2 years before you'd get suspended, this is definitely not longer the case.

See the time I joined the HB forums next to my name?
I have been botting since then with 0 bans on 3 accounts. Prior to using HB I used Glider, only got myself a warning back then when Glider banwaves went around.

How? Well pretty simple, here are 5 examples.
1. Never botted on these accounts for Gold.
2. Been using suicide accounts for gold.
3. I don't use a static outgoing IP (my ISP provides a paid service that let me either lock static IP or change every 24-hours).
4. I never run the bot overnight/unattanded, I "play" during normal hours.
5. When I e.g. bot transmog gear, I don't do a full-all-raid run, I do like 2-3 Raids and then either logout or do something else for a while.


If you avoid BG's and fully automated Instancing/Raiding, you should be fine.
If you play like a normal human would, e.g. not farming Silk Cloth for 4 hours, you should be fine.

All about using some common sense, really.
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To those saying you will be caught no matter what, they're being retarded.

I've botted all through MoP and WoD. Never been banned or warned. I've done the 'risky' things like afk leveling and farming and not once have I been even suspected.

Chances are very slim for you to be banned. So long as you chat once in awhile, are in a guild where you chat, and you know...act like a normal person.
You used elobuddy on league of legends and that shit gets detected more then anything in the world ive been banned from league of legends for usin it like 30 accounts and saying that it never gets detected ur fucking clearly lying.
To those saying you will be caught no matter what, they're being retarded.

I've botted all through MoP and WoD. Never been banned or warned. I've done the 'risky' things like afk leveling and farming and not once have I been even suspected.

Chances are very slim for you to be banned. So long as you chat once in awhile, are in a guild where you chat, and you know...act like a normal person.

do you know that it doesnt matter if you play legit or not when the bot is detected you get banned no matter how legit you want to play by not afking or what not when its detected u get banned stop lying your making your self look stupid
do you know that it doesnt matter if you play legit or not when the bot is detected you get banned no matter how legit you want to play by not afking or what not when its detected u get banned stop lying your making your self look stupid

Okay, if that's the case, how did I survive the ban waves?

How come I've never been detected?
To those saying you will be caught no matter what, they're being retarded.

I've botted all through MoP and WoD. Never been banned or warned. I've done the 'risky' things like afk leveling and farming and not once have I been even suspected.

Chances are very slim for you to be banned. So long as you chat once in awhile, are in a guild where you chat, and you know...act like a normal person.

"very slim" *looks at the ban section when all detections go into the ban wave* "very slim" Hmm... Something doesn't add up. The chances of not getting banned are very slim is more correct.

No one knows how the detections happen. You're calling us retarded because you have got lucky? Good for you. Don't advertise your rare experience as something common. I went unbanned up until WoD. That's when A LOT of people were pulled into banwaves. I honestly have no idea why you didn't get banned and you probably don't either, it's all just speculation. I can only assume that you were lucky in what time windows you used the bot or how Blizzard chooses which detections to act upon.
"very slim" *looks at the ban section when all detections go into the ban wave* "very slim" Hmm... Something doesn't add up. The chances of not getting banned are very slim is more correct.

No one knows how the detections happen. You're calling us retarded because you have got lucky? Good for you. Don't advertise your rare experience as something common. I went unbanned up until WoD. That's when A LOT of people were pulled into banwaves. I honestly have no idea why you didn't get banned and you probably don't either, it's all just speculation. I can only assume that you were lucky in what time windows you used the bot or how Blizzard chooses which detections to act upon.

You're correct that no one knows how the detections happen. All I'm saying is people should stop spreading doom and gloom all the time when I, and many others, haven't been banned or even warned.

Is there a chance you'll get banned? Of fucking course there is, you're using a bot that's against the ToS. Is it common that it happens every other day? Again, of fucking course not.

I'm not saying everyone else is retarded, I'm saying the "sky is falling" retards are. Hope that clears it up.
You used elobuddy on league of legends and that shit gets detected more then anything in the world ive been banned from league of legends for usin it like 30 accounts and saying that it never gets detected ur fucking clearly lying.

not sure if this is directed at me but I've never even heard of Elo buddy. I used BOL.... and no, never got a ban.
I have 2 accounts that I currently bot with. I run one during the night and one during the day, usually 8-10 hours each. I've had about 10 accounts over the last few years. I usually only get banned during the ban waves. The profiles I use are 100% AFKable, I never have to check on them in the 8-10 hours they run. Only time they fail is when I get DC'd.
Sorry, but it seems you will not get a consistent answer. Many people are reporting a guaranteed ban, while others have been lucky to not be banned, even though they use it for high-risk reasons.

I, myself, have been banned twice - with both times only using combat rotations. I have never allowed HB to handle my movement nor have I left it AFK at any point in time. I have only used it for raiding and other PvE scenarios, but I was still caught. There seems to be no consistency with what actions cause you to get banned. As they suggest, never use this bot on an account you do not want to lose.
Used HB for I think around 4 years now? Not too sure. Very long time ago. I've botted on approximately 9 accounts total. 2 of them got banned, 1 is still going from 4 years ago, 1 "newer" account I've had/botted on for about a year, 5 ran out of game time (suicide botting account that I will admit is ridiculously shocking that they didnt get banned).

If you manage your time right, and profiles and not bot 24/7 the chance of ban goes down. However it can still be detected so for sure there is luck involved as well.
ever since i got a 6 month ban i been very hesitate on using the bot anymore. i only used my main with the combat rotation but he was caught. since then i have not played and that's been almost a year now of not even touching the bot
That's an infinite discussion, HB is detected, that is a fact, but what you have to do to avoid the detection is the point...

I have used HB for two years, but the game went plain and I stoped playing two weeks prior the biggest banwave that targeted HB. Did not get banned, what leads me to believe that I had to be using the bot during their scans or my human-like bot methods were consistent enough to cheat their detections... I only used it for CR and some leveling, never used for garrisons for example, I always thought they were a huge giveaway.

Still, by reading this topic I have some hope of using HB or LB again to be back to WoW, but being graduated in Computer Science and a programmer, I know that's matter of time that all bots will fall sometime, that's the truth.

I don't want to put water in your beer (Brazilian saying for someone trying to ruin the fun), but If you love your account that much, don't take the risk. Blizzard is getting consistently more harsh against botters, and I expect a banwave on the first or second month of Legion.

Sorry for the wall of text, just my two cents here.
4 account's baned using CR ONLY. Not even botted in Garrison.
20+ farming account's lost. All in the last 4 banwave.
I've lost like, 6-7 accounts in total since I joined.
Most of them has been suicide-bots as well.

Obviously had breaks :)
4 account's baned using CR ONLY. Not even botted in Garrison.
20+ farming account's lost. All in the last 4 banwave.

Farming accounts stains your mains with CR Only, if there's the smallest link, they will find it and ban everything. A lot of botters that claims that got banned by CR ONLY had farming accounts separated from the main, but they somehow were linked and detected.