Neither of the profiles will get you to level 100. I started this 3 bars into 98 and i am currently at level 99 with 5 bars left and it says "Nothing more to do"
Gets stuck at thrall and says "waiting for npc to show quest marker" anyone else had this problem?
<PickUp QuestName="竞技场的宣传" QuestId="35922" GiverName="Lucy Brokerblast" GiverId="83606" X="3154.134" Y="4607.899" Z="137.1648" />
<TurnIn QuestName="竞技场的宣传" QuestId="35922" TurnInName="Dexyl Deadblade" TurnInId="79188" />
My Char doesnt do anything, im loading the profile and start the Grindbuddy and nuthing changes.