I loaded the Kun-Lai summit profile since I have never done any questing there (i'm already 90) and a popup tells me, "End of Profile! Load Kun-Lai Summit profile". Why is it telling me this when that is exactly the profile i have loaded?
I'm not at my PC right now but check the level ranges and checkpoints within the profile. Chances are you exceed them being 90 already.
Hello again.
It is possible to change the profile so that he, the quest I've done again not start?
Thats not a profile issue. Its the quest bot. Every Pickup, Objective and Turnin element has a QuestId attribute associated. This is the ID of the quest and, thats how it was supposed to work and is documented, lets the quest bot check if he has the quest either already completed (wont pickup and wont turnin) or in his questlog and not completed (will do the the objectives and turn in later) or not jet picked up (will pick up quest, do the objective(s) and turn in). There is really no need for Condition around pickup/turnin! What you see in Kickz profile is a If Condition around some CustomBehavior (like WaitTimer) that do not support the QuestId attribute.That's one of the bigger problems in Niv's profiles. I really appreciate the effort, but including quests in profiles without letting the bot do the usual "do I already have this quest" and "has this quest been completed" tests is rather useless, because breaks in questing will also break the flow of the script, and it can't be picked up where it was stopped.
Actually my profile is written that it picks up all related quest at a quest hub (for example one to kill 8 XYZ mobs and one to collect 10 ABC gameobject) and does the collect thing first. So if attecked while collecting the kills count for the other quest and we dont have to kill many more mobs while collecting after killing 8 XYZ for the quest).The perfection would be to always have the bot do stuff simultaneously, if possible, like killing a few mobs AND picking up the quest items lying around. Cos what the profiles often do is go to the same place twice, once for the mobs and a second time for the quest items in the second quest. But hey... am I allowed to lament at all ... ?
Hello, I am doing kun lai summit and got this error.. Not sure if it helps you out or not!
[UseItemOn-v249(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'ObjectType'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'MobType', instead.
[InteractWith-v249(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'GossipOption'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'GossipOptions', instead.
[InteractWith-v249(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'GossipOption'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'GossipOptions', instead.
Remplacement du profil actuel par: [H - Quest] 87-88 Kun-Lai Summit [NiV]
[UserDialog-v241(user response) @line 425]: Continuing profile due to User request
[UserDialog-v241(error)]: The 'Text' attribute's value may not be an empty string ("").
[UserDialog-v241(error) @line 426]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
Bot Stopped! Reason: Profile has too many errors
"End of Profile! Load Kun-Lai Summit profile"
pathing around the tent in eastwind rest (pass?) is pretty bad. I couldnt figure out how to fix it? i mean u cant black list the tent....... can you? the questgivers, etc.. are inside.
Remplacement du profil actuel par: [H - Quest] 87-88 Kun-Lai Summit [NiV]
Looting Voyou dent-cass?e Guid:0xF130DC8E001BEC15
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 424]: Loading profile '[H - Quest] 88 Townlong Steppes NOT COMPLETED [NiV].xml'
Changing current profile to [H - Quest] 88-89 Townlong Steppes [NiV]
[Profile Message]: Horde Only!
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 60688 in database.
Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!
I'm 88 1/2 . i'm horde.
You hit the end of the profile. It should load Townlong Steppes profile automatically with the newset revision. Please update your SVN and try again.
(If you want to do the quests anyway, change the checkpoint (line 421) to 91)
change the checkpoint (line 421) to 91)