I?ve tested it from 1-60 yet.
There?s a short overview which profiles had problems.
Starting Zone: AFK
Northern Barrens: Had to help out 1 time
Ashenvale: AFK
Northern Stranglethorn: Had to help out 2 times
Western Plaguelands: Had to help out 1 time
Eastern Plageulands: Horrible :O
Badlands: Had to help out a few times
Searing Gorge: AFK
Burning Steps: Had to help out 2 times
Winterspring: AFK
All in all, very good work! Keep up the good work. This isn?t any bug report, i only wanted to show you the profiles which i have tried and how they worked for me.
If u fix some bugs in the levelrange 25-40, we?ll have a perfect questing profile
I used this profile on a rogue.
Playtime till 58: 4 days 2hours