I think the problem is you have MrItemRemover on, and the option "remove items that starts quests" checked. So just turn that plugin off, and abandon the quest and try running the profile again, and it should work. I also encountered the same thing as you, and my fix worked. Good luck!I have exactly the same problem. Same texts exactly. What do ? Help ?
Edit - I changed zones, turned on and off every plugin I saw, and still it won't quest. It left the Troll Area, went to Durotar, picked up quests and now it won't do anything.
Edit 2 - There was a quest with yellow question mark it had to turn in and when I manually turned it in, it was all fine. Quest name was "Meats to Orgrimmar" if this is going to help.
Edit 3 - Can you please clarify what does the "Azenius" plugin do and how is it different from "Azenius Helper" and most important, do they interfere with each other ? Which one should be on and which one off ?
<PickUp QuestName="That's Not Us" QuestId="25680" GiverName="Tak'arili" GiverId="41134" />
<CustomBehavior File="CollectThings" QuestId="25680" MobId="41163" CollectUntil="QuestComplete" HuntingGroundRadius="200">
<Hotspot X="-10773.71" Y="-3588.361" Z="-12.93418" />
<TurnIn QuestName="That's Not Us" QuestId="25680" TurnInName="Tak'arili" TurnInId="41134" />
Information about Illycor
Name = Illycor
Wowhead Id = 41163
Faction = 90 [Demon]
Location = <-10801.51, -3587.04, -11.91038>
<Vendor Name="Illycor" Entry="41163" Type="Repair" X="-10801.51" Y="-3587.04" Z="-11.91038" />
I've got an open bug on the bug tracker with a fix, don't know why it hasnt been merged in.Possible to change this?
Code:<PickUp QuestName="That's Not Us" QuestId="25680" GiverName="Tak'arili" GiverId="41134" /> <CustomBehavior File="CollectThings" QuestId="25680" MobId="41163" CollectUntil="QuestComplete" HuntingGroundRadius="200"> <Hotspot X="-10773.71" Y="-3588.361" Z="-12.93418" /> </CustomBehavior> <TurnIn QuestName="That's Not Us" QuestId="25680" TurnInName="Tak'arili" TurnInId="41134" />
cant find the Mod 41163, Toon just stay on a Bridge and waiting.