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This doesn't work properly or I am doing something wrong.. it flies around the area but doesn't go down fight/skin mobs.. any idea? plus i am using this profile with GatherBuddy2 bot, if its something else would be kind to explain more?
Edit: seems to be working fine on Grind Bot, still testing it myself will try and post later if anything goes wrong
Edit2: I found one little thing that really needs to be looked at, the character doesn't attack everything in the area, he moves around and picks a random mob to attack even if he was aggro'ed he will just ignore them and keep moving until he finds the mob he desires.
Edit3: one thing that might help guys.. is disabling the mount, do not use mounts to move around.. let him walk and he will pick up almost all mobs around his path.
This bot is awesome! Works amazing, but for some reason on my hunter it doesn't keep any range it just goes right up to the monster and hits it with the 2H and I almost die every time. Please fix this or tell me why this is happening. Thanks so much!
Well i tried downloading the file but for some reason its not showing up in my profiles folder? Idk whats the deal tried it on 2 seperate comps and same thing its not showing the link dead?
where can i get the numbers needed for what mount u want the bot to this case i want the bot to use the acheures deathcharger only but i dont know how to change this..he keeps using a flying mount and get stuck floating off the ground and stops grinding mobs..anyones help would be great appreciated thank you!!
am going to tell u guys this.i have a gm friend that works for blizz and he is saying this place is begin watched,and that they will be banning people lots of them he said soon as thye are watching this spot and uldum spots..i thought i let u guys know before u wake up and u are banned because u are farming a place where 100 othr people farm make your own profile some where eles..