Woke up one morning from my character getting his asshanded to him from a "Raging Ancient" in Ashenvale.
When the character reached level 32, the bot tried to run the character to the new zone. In doing so, the bot runs the character straight through Honor's Stand which is an alliance territory and gets the character killed constantly.
Could someone please reupload it?
Bot is just standing around at lvl 37 in Dustwallow Marsh on a bridge: <Hotspot X="-3724.425" Y="-2938.216" Z="37.00137" />
I get this too... I've noticed that the alliance guards it attacks on that bridge are still considered attackable even after they are killed so this might be why... Maybe add an avoid mob for this type of situation. Ive switched over to the red faction profile until I out level dustwallow marsh (level42) and then I'll switch back... I'd add the avoid mob myself... but i'm being lazy this week and have no real need for my shaman to hit 85 anytime soon.
I guess since the links are working again I'll try the Feralas alternative profile.