[H - Cloth] - Snixs' cloth compilation!
Hey guys, Snixs here with a brand new release!
First off, I did
NOT test all profiles for hours, so if there's anything not working in them, let me know and i'll get it fixed.
List of cloths and zones they are farmed within.
Linen Cloth: Silverpine Forrest.
Wool Cloth: Hillsbrad Foothills.
Wool Cloth V2: Duskwood -
There was a request about this, i made a horde and an alliance profile for this, the bot need to go down into Stranglethorn, if it have to repair, so make sure you're geared or above the creatures level if you have to run into them. Alliance goes into Darkshire and repairs + mails items there.
Silk Cloth: Western Plaguelands
- No mailboxes before you finish first quests - The one in the profile is located in Brill (if you plan on farming for a long time, the quest-line in Andorhal is worth it!)
Mageweave cloth: Searing Gorge
Runecloth: Blasted lands
- Kinda hard to find a good spot, got a better one than Nagas, let me know and I?ll add it.
Felcloth: not making any, go to Dire Maul if you need them!
Netherweave cloth: Zangarmarsh
Frostweave cloth:Sholazar basin
- You can add Oracles/Frenzyheart repair; I added the Nesingwary Camps mailbox, and repair vendor. If you want repair at Oracles or Frenzyheart, insert the following within the vendor tags:
For Oracles:
<Vendor Name="Loomee" Entry="29035" Type="Food" X="5664.408" Y="4597.69" Z="-137.4476" />
For Frenzyheart:
<Vendor Name="Grakjek" Entry="29014" Type="Repair" X="5244.74" Y="4493.283" Z="-84.37772" />
Embersilk Cloth: Uldum -
This .XML still need to get build on, since I took it from my old BETA version, and guess what? Here?s the newest release where all the cranes are BlackSpotted with a small radius and a fix for the vendor. You can find more information on this XML file here; http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...rming/14442-embersilk-cloth-farmer-uldum.html - If you run this profile though you need NOT to have run the quests in Uldum. ? If you want to vendor and mail save, here?s what you should insert within the Vendor:
<[COLOR=black][FONT="]Vendor Name="Blacksmith Abasi" Entry="48617" Type="Repair" X="-9404.68" Y="-906.438" Z="112.5407" /> [/FONT][/COLOR]
And this within the mailbox tag:
<[FONT="]Mailbox X="-9426.801" Y="-968.0722" Z="111.0127" [/FONT][FONT="]/> [/FONT]