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all i gotta say is WOW JUST FREACKING WOW!!! i ran the Ashenvale Skinning 110-205 and my toon maxed it out, BUT the GREAT thing about it is that it kept going... for me this means that i can use this profiles for whenever im running in the need of a specific leather(say heave leather) and just load one of this profiles and let it run... now is there a way this great mind(and im talking about the author here) can put something like this together for herbs? pleaseeeeee! i've been trying to lv a few alch toons but all the herb profiles(even the one that take you from 1-525 will just auto move the toon to the highest area for their skill... where i would like to have them stay in a set area and gather any herbs in the area i put them in, until i move them to another area myself... that way i could say set the toon in say durotar and have it gather any herbs there till it has what i need(say 59 peacebloomsx5 for 5 alch toons) and stay there till i move it to another area so it farm the next herbs i need. any who i have a dream. but bottom line THIS ROCKS!! this + herbs= dream come true. many thanks for this profiles +100
Hey there, I am using this profile on a feral druid. And I am currently using Durotar Skinning 1-60.
I am using the newst HB Version running the profile in "Grind Bot" mode. As I read in that thread that should be correct. Well.. he's killing the mobs and is looting them, but he's not skinning them. I set under Settings & Tools in advanced mode the option to "Skin Mobs" but well.. its just not working. I am not getting any failure or sth. like that.
Same, really appreciate having this stuff by different areas and not linked together with some master leveling profile. I can go through and level my farmer off of herbing/skinning in an area, don't even "grind" per se or do quests. Just gather mats, then move to a corresponding area where one of your areas matches with the herbing area. Level again. When I'm done leveling the character up this way I'll have a ton of mats to use for my different characters, and I can even go back and get more of one endlessly that I really need. Thanks!!! Definite +++REP+++.
Hey! I'm having some problems with the profile.
I started the grinding bot after loading the durotar 1-60 profile, in my advanced settings I put on loot mobs and also skin +ninja skin on.
So my character started walking but thats where the problems start. When I am mounted (ground or flying) the bot won't attack and when im unmounted and it attacks, it will loot the creature but won't skin it..
I hope you can help me with this because looking at the reactions this must be an amazing profile.
I recalled that it is handy for you if I upload my log file so i will be doing that View attachment 8-7-2011_0_48 4796 Log.txt
Any specific reason why I can't use flying mount so far (1-205)?
Been looking into the XML file, to see if I could change something in there, but doesn't seem so.
Also been looking into different threads in here, also to no avail.
Could any1 help me out here? Or just tell me whether it's normal or not.
This seems to use only ground mounts. At lvl 85 not using flying mount, looks kinda suspicious. What normal player would use his 200% mount when you can fly at 410% toward your hotspots?
I had that same problem and I fixed it by unchecking the box that said something like "farm with ground mount". Might want to try and see if that works for you.