whole fucking world is running this profile. Spotted like four people running it the second i started it. Lame as fuck once a profile goes public it gets spammed to death.
Also, let's face facts and cut the bullshit. You'll be lucky to get 1.5 million xp/hr on a populated server. I'm killing mobs in two seconds, not looting and getting 1.2 million.
Don't know why the profiel author has the bot running through the water going slow as fuck
Thanks for the profile, i guess it's just common procedure to bullshit about loot / exp / drops / etc
If i made a profile i'd tell people what they'd actually be getting.
How do you disable pvp? my bot keeps trying to kill other enemy faction who are obviously also using this profile lol.
How do you keep it from taking mobs that have already been tagged?
I think that is a CC problem, something to do with honorbuddy as it happens to me on other profiles too.
Once again, most likely a CC problem. I'm not entirely sure about the limitations of the honorbuddy profiles..
Be CAREFUL using this profile. I was permanently banned for using it and only used it for 5 hours.
2 Of my friends ran this instead of my private profile since the exp was like 300k'ish/hour higher. Both got 72 hours bann, it's not a good area to bot indeed.