Try azuremist isle or silvermoonwish it would just stay in one place and sit there because on my server there is a major bott train going on around the eggs
Thanks bro!
EDIT: After trying to put it in the code it would spam "you must equip that item to use it" when not equipped, however when it is equipped it doesn't seem to do anything,
EDIT2: figured it out:
Code:if (StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.OffHand != null && ((StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.OffHand.ItemInfo.Id == 45067) && StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.OffHand.Cooldown <= 0)) { StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.OffHand.Use(); }
Awesome plug-in Phelon!
im kinda an editing noob ... i figured out how to edit it to keep it in bunny mode i just cant figure out how to fix the edit to make it use the Basket
Seems like people on my server running the same plug-in follow the same exact path. Is there a way to randomize the closest 3-5 eggs to make it less obvious? I'll try to see if I can figure it out.
Thanks bro!No worries I got it. New rev up with randomization and max search range!
I just came back to my computer to see the text "Mail sent" and character was at mailbox.
Who did I send to? I havent edited anything
Sent to the recipient in yuor HB Settings.
Hey Phelon,
Correct that it only moves to acouple of eggs that are in range then stops.
Have set range to 100 in the bot settings without any succes.
[17:17:24.227 D] Garbage collected 1 nav tiles
[17:17:25.013 D] Loading Kalimdor_34_19
[17:17:25.088 D] Garbage collected 4 nav tiles
[17:17:25.936 D] Loading Kalimdor_30_24
[17:17:26.025 D] Loading Kalimdor_29_29
[17:17:26.074 D] Loading Kalimdor_37_40
private const bool CancelBunny = false;
private const bool UseBasket = true;
private const bool MailItems = false;
private const bool BuyMounts = false;
private const bool MoveToGetEggs = true;
private const bool RandomizeEggLocations = false;
private const int MaxSearchRange = 100;