I appreciate your work on this and this may not be your fault, as it could be the feral druid combat behavior, but I ran this and got the following result:
[Gatherbuddy2]: Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 35 nodes in 3h 5m 7s.
[Gatherbuddy2]: Green Tea Leaf: 4
[Gatherbuddy2]: Rich Ghost Iron Deposit: 2
[Gatherbuddy2]: Ghost Iron Deposit: 12
[Gatherbuddy2]: Fool's Cap: 14
[Gatherbuddy2]: Trillium Vein: 2
[Gatherbuddy2]: Golden Lotus: 1
What happened was that the bot went to Klaxxi'vess and tried to talk to Ambersmith Zikk for repairs but when you open a dialogue with him, there is a daily as well, so the vendor/repair dialogue does not open upon talking to him. I would suggest changing the repair node for horde at least, as I am not sure if your alliance one is different. Thanks, Schwindy!
Sorry, I clearly didn't read your first post fully. Well, nevermind. <3