I just had a small problem where in the first quests in the zone after talking to Latrissor (the eventual follower) where you have to get his banner and sword, the toon just runs along the edges of the lava pool and not agro the named mob or kill any other mobs that it's supposed to.. it also doesn't try to loot the banner from the chests.
Yes this is a very strange bug on quest 34850 "Not Without My Honor" where the toon wants to run to a hotspot at Loc: <2872.667, 4388.333, 174.8144> instead of the locations given in the profile. The weird thing is that there are no such coordinates anywhere in that profile, and when I wrote my own quest behaviour using totally different techniques and all-new RunTo coordinates it *still* wanted to run to X=2872.667
I have no idea why the toon is ignoring the coordinates it is given, or where these other coordinates even come from, its really pissing me off!