I've used this to level two characters 90-98 now so I figured I'd do a small review.
First of all, if you have issues with the bot trying to talk to missing NPCs or skipping quests, I had the same issue. A clean reinstall of HB fixed all of that for me.
Now to get into the actual profiles: they're pretty damn good. However, calling it fully AFKable is still a dream, though not entirely by the profile's fault. Mesh issues WILL make you get stuck at times and you WILL get stuck in combat once or twice while your bot sits there doing nothing. It doesn't require heavy babysitting, but you should look at it every 30 minutes or so to unstuck it if something happens. Leaving it overnight and hoping it'll do anything worthwhile is a pipe dream, you'll get maybe a level if you're really lucky.
I don't know to what extent profiles can do mob detection, but if they can, this profile doesn't do any. If it sees a quest item on the ground that needs to be picked up, it will just go straight for it, even if it aggros 5 mobs on the way. For some classes (I did a monk), it's absolutely no issue, you will kill all 5 and move on. My second one (spriest) however probably died over a hundred times from 90-98, and this was with an ilvl of around 570 at lvl 90.
Once you get to around mid/end Spires of Arak, you have to interact with 3 or 4 quests (the Talon King quests, if you know them) and the bot just stops doing anything until you do the quests by yourself, so the "fully AFKable" stuff ends there. You have to do a 2-3 minutes quest and then send it on its way back and there's around 20 minutes of downtime between each of them. Nagrand is still on the way as of the time of this post, so it ends at 98.
If I think of anything else, I'll edit it in.
EDIT: Small thing, mainly directed at the creator of the profile: the bot (I think honorbuddy does it by default since a few versions ago) already skips the cinematic, but the profile acts like you're watching all of them, so sometimes you just sit there for 3 minutes waiting for the cinematic to end even though it was already skipped. It's not a big deal, but it doesn't look really necessary.