Ist es vielleicht möglich ne Option zum schnellen Leveling einzuführen ? So das das Profil immer ab lvl 92/94/96/98 die Zonen automatisch wechselt?
Short News:
The next Update for this Packet will come in ~4-7 Days.
At the moment I finish the Alliance Packet.
When the Alliance Packet is finished the Horde Packet gets the following Updates:
All Missing Bonus Quests (in Gorgrond and Spires of Arak).
Gorgrond maybe gets a rewrite to use a better Quest Order ;-)
I might be thinking something diffrent to what's really going on but.
So this means what if I wanted the alli 90-100 quest I pay another 150 euro? Or 180$ Or 360$ In total for both?
Or the 150 euro I paid gets both Alli and horde.
If not Are you going to offer discounts to people who want to purchase both.
Like a bundle.
300 euro is a lot to me for these profiles.
I don't mind paying for premium profiles.
If it was not in euro and was in dollars 150$ for. no problem.
I almost did not buy because of this the first time =\
Keep up the good work =]
This is a good Question about which I for some days / weeks racking my head.
The HB Dev Team is already working on a Bundle function for the Store to give automatic discounts.
For Example: When you already bought the Horde Packet you only have to pay 25€ instead of 150€ for the Alliance Packet.
But as i know it need more time until this function is available for the Store.
So the Question is: How to handle the Discount for now?
There are 1-2 Solutions atm:
1) Make the payment directly to me:
Devs can Request up to 50 Gift Keys for every own Product. When you make the Payment directly to me, i can give a Gift Key for this Product.
But i can only make this for 50 Persons and i dont know if this is allowed (have to talk with the HB Team first).
2) Reduce the Price:
The other Solution is to reduce the Price temporarily.
I can set the Price down to 25€ - 50€, the Customer can buy the Alliance Packet for this Price and then i set i up again to 150€.
But this I would have to make for each.
The Price for Customers who already owned the Horde Packet will be ~25€ - 50€.
You could also raise the price and add the alli And then make 2 new ones for horde / alli
Eather way sold. Let me know when your ready PayPal to you or when it's on the store. I'll be one of your first customers
Keep me posted if you still may consider 1-90 areas to
When i raise the Price of the Horde Packet the Problem is that the owners do not have to pay the surcharge. So they would get Alliance for free.
Other thoughts I had:
Convert the Horde Packet into a Horde + Alliance Packet and then make 2 new Packets for Horde / Alliance (each 100€).
But then some Owner would say: I only need Horde and i paid already 150€ and now you sell Horde only for 100€.
As you see it's all a bit difficult.
P.S. Before WoD Release i already started with 1-90 but its far far away from a Release. Atm top prio are the 2 WoD Profile Packets. if they are good enough in my opinion i will work on the 1-90 again.
I did not think about it that way. That raising the price would only be a fix for new purchasers.
You could still do this and offer an upgrade pack for current users for the surcharge price but would require a lot of work from the buddy store team as they would have to manually or make something that would activate it
you can have 3 the one you have now horde 150 make one for alli 150 and a another for both for 200. Wait you said this above
But then that would still only work for new purchasers unless you do what you said eairlyer get 50 keys from buddy store and send pm / email to you existing purchasers with your PayPal but then like you said this might not be allowed because there not making a commission.
I don't know you are right on this being a hard decision. Other then taking the hit and giving all current purchasers the alli set for free. Would have to ask the buddy store team like you said.
(Insert picture of fry from futurama here)
Either way shut up and take my money id give you your 25-50€ <-- (euro symbol?) for it right now if I could.
Ally is not Complete yet. Its only up to Level 96.
Buddy Store Link:
Take 2-4 more Days until i can release it.
What CR are best to use with this? Most of the time when I'm using the singularity one my priest just stands there never attacking and dies. Would the millz or oracle 2 ones work with this?
For Priest i use Singular as Disci Priest for Leveling. Good DMG + Good SelfHeal.
When you have Problems with Singular, try a Fresh HB Installation.
The Profile has nothing to do with the CR so you can all CR which Supports Movement and Targeting (which is required for the Questing BotBase).
There will be never a 100% AFK Profile, because the Bot self is not 100% perfect.This leveling 90-100 100% afk without bug? worth buying it?
Ally is not Complete yet. Its only up to Level 96.
Buddy Store Link:
Take 2-4 more Days until i can release it.
Super excited about this. How much longer are we looking at for release?
How long does it take to level from 90 to 100 without heirlooms?
Rewrite of the Horde Profiles:
Within the next 1-2 Weeks, I'm going to completely rework the horde profiles.
On writing 90-100 for Alliance i learned a lot of new things and improvements and Now I'm going to be transferred into the Horde profiles.
So you will get more Avoids (for Mobs & Spells), a better Quest Order way and lots of other Fixes and Improvements.