9th Concluding Remarks
the virtual economy of WoW is to create real economies, however, has serious weaknesses (especially an unlimited amount of money to Mudflation, a special variant of the (hyper) inflation leads).
Fundamental deficiencies in the economics of WoW are not resolved from blizzard. This concerns in particular the absence of other limiting monetary growth, ande the resulting (hyper) inflation.
Rapid progress in the game motivates the player of WoW and encouraged to use a longer time.
The bots can use a game possible progress in a realistic dimensions, as it can have other players who play more intense. Needed more time here, however, is substituted by a monetary return.
By bots in the game design deficiencies can be corrected in particular in the field of flow control, bringing the fun and the game experience better for the player.
The rectification of deficiencies game through the use of external software tools by EULA or AGB appears to prevent exploitation of a unilateral contract.
Blizzard does not offer any appropriate tools, but attempts to foreclose their own game infrastructure through the creation of market entry barriers and through legal action against other software vendors. This seems in direct contradiction to relevant legislation (eg the European Computer Programs Directive).
Bots are typically used only in an amount to which they could do human players. Extremely different usage patterns are not expected.
The binding to an advanced game avatar is stronger than the weaker one at.
A stronger attachment to the avatar game increases the motivation and the experienced in-game entertainment. This leads to a longer time of use.
The use of external tools can affect motivation game, gaming experience and intensity of the players of WoW positive.
Players use the bots to feel more pronounced fun playing WoW longer.
Bots as external tools have no detectable negative impact on the virtual economy in WoW.
To "gold farming" is buying in MMORPGs is a major cause for the cancellation of virtual currency or sell, but without relevance. Blizzard takes the gold farming against any technical measures, although this is possible.
From a general inflation of currency through games bot activity can not be assumed. While an increased money supply seen as supportive of inflation, has increased the range of virtual goods, but the opposite, so that is observed in manachen MMORPGs even deflation. The cause for the so-called Mudflation are primarily into account other aspects, especially the unregulated proliferation of virtual currency and goods in themselves.
The report by Edward Castranova let the assumptions made to confirm the current data do not refute or even partially. The conclusions reached there sin therefore classified as questionable. Even the alleged direct financial loss could be from Blizzard by a slight adjustment of the billing model completely fix.
Blizzard Entertainment is caused by the use of bots is no direct or indirect measurable damage.
After-depth analysis of the game type of MMORPGs in general, World of Warcraft in particular, of an economy of World of Warcraft be verified, but on the contrary, a positive influence on the long-term game motivation and expected longer life of the game itself.