Have you ever even see 1 video of gw2? There is no profit u say? Grinding for gold and selling it brings so much $$$ not to mention you can farm ingame gold, change it for gems and then sell stuff from anet shop at your own price. You say the game is no grind, showing u haven't really got to any lvl larger then 10 i assume. If u have the mats for exotics u own the trading post, if u own the tp u have lot of g, if u have a lot of g and more then 3 working brain cells u can get nice amount of $$$.
Problem is that anet is so hard at botters and i don't believe there is no one capable of making a good undetectable bot for another 3-4 months, and by then maybe the prices will not be that great.
Edit:hmm there would be and there is a lot of qq wherever there is a ban section, tell me if how many posts are there in DB part, qq about bans and even more about the thing bot crashes, not working as intended etc.