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Guild DELETED+More

"BLIZZARD MAY SUSPEND, TERMINATE, MODIFY, OR DELETE ANY BNET ACCOUNT OR WORLD OF WARCRAFT ACCOUNT AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON OR FOR NO REASON, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE TO YOU. For purposes of explanation and not limitation, most account suspensions, terminations and/or deletions are the result of violations of this Terms of Use or the EULA."

learn to read dude...this answered your question, and nothing you say about it will change the fact that they CAN and (apparently) did delete a guild, or anything else they see fit...did you ever come to the realization that maybe your acct got hacked and the guild got deleted? Why did you automatically assume it was Blizz?
Because blizzard told me it was deleted by them that's all. The account where the guild was created wasn't even a botting account. Every way you take it they shouldn't have deleted my GUILD and ADMIT to delete it. They did admint in one ticket that got deleted shortly after. After that they are deleting every ticket opened regarding the guild issue. Do you lot work for Blizzzard?can't you see that this is a bit strange and I am the only one to have this problem?Why won't they discuss it? is that in the TOS as well?LOL...
People on this thread gave you the exact text of the tos/tou/eula/sla/whatever, which literally states that the only one owning any(!) item in the game, would be Blizzard and Blizzard only.
Not you .. and the same tos/tou/eula/sla/whatever literally states that Blizzard may remove any of those items, at any time.

Simply by playing the game, you agreed with all this.

And for your info : a guild is a game item.

I'm sorry you lost your guild, that sucks.
But you should have known the terms and conditions and the consequences of botting.
I botted on some chars and whole guild got deleted along with chars that never botted. They can't do what they want.

Account Suspension/Deletion.
BLIZZARD MAY SUSPEND, TERMINATE, MODIFY, OR DELETE ANY BNET ACCOUNT OR WORLD OF WARCRAFT ACCOUNT AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON OR FOR NO REASON, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE TO YOU. For purposes of explanation and not limitation, most account suspensions, terminations and/or deletions are the result of violations of this Terms of Use or the EULA.

maybe you SHOULD read ToU.
iAlex said:
I botted on some chars and whole guild got deleted along with chars that never botted. They can't do what they want.

If characters that never bot that is inside the guild got deleted, Blizzard either has been tracking you for some time as they need to be sure that you are the owner of them as well instead of other "legit" players. Or you're just a liar.

Nevertheless, you might want to open tickets to the non-botting accounts which are deleted/banned.
Hello guys so about 2 weeks ago I got my guild where I use to keep my gold DELETED. I opened a ticket and they don't want to discuss it and they are deleting my ticked immediately. I could probably make a big fuss out of this and go to small claims court because this is not covered by rules...I read them countless of times. To DELETE a guild not Suspended, Banned etc DELETED GUILD is not covered by rules. I find strange how Blizzard refuses to discuss their action and the "proof" that they have against you(me). You pay for a service at least you could have a full explanation i.e., honorbuddy.exe used on 21/4/13 etc etc etc. I opened countless tickets to ask why my chars in that guild were deleted and I got a standard answer, more or less: "we are not unbaning you we have evidence". I was only asking for an explanation and they keep telling me the unbanning is not allowed. Some chars in that guild were 100% non bot used and got banned too. Funnily enough I was MANUALLY farming on a char and I got banned during the farming process.

I stopped playing wow anyways on all my chars, canceled all subscriptions, looks like this company is going down big time now it was getting rather boring and was taking too much of my time...

Good luck to everyone who are STILL making money out of this or for fun, I only done it for my own pleasure... and many thanks Honorbuddy.


Armchair lawyers... you wont win any victory in court over a deleted guild. Blizz has the right to terminate anything, including your entire license if they want, at any time for any reason at all. the end.

Sorry for the loss, but this isnt unheard of. Exploitative guild is destroyed, gg.
It's funny because what you do on 1 account, should in no way affect what happens to another account. EG. Bot on account A, but not on account B. B SHOULD be safe, as blizzard only really care what happens on certain accounts. His point is, that he just wants an explanation as to why they would go out of their way to delete an entire guild of characters (Maybe some characters / accounts in that guild were not his, and hence being banned unfairly also).

I like how 90% of botters will jump up and down saying "You knew the risks, eat shit dickhead for botting like a nub trolololol", but when it happens to you, you expect us all to come with icecream and tissues.

To OP, badluck man. Hopefully you find another game that isn't so tedious in means of grinding for days just so you may have fun with end game content.
The irony behind everything you posted, is on a botting forum.

You knew the risks.

Serves you right for being bad and getting in trouble. kbye.