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Guild DELETED+More


New Member
Jun 17, 2012
Hello guys so about 2 weeks ago I got my guild where I use to keep my gold DELETED. I opened a ticket and they don't want to discuss it and they are deleting my ticked immediately. I could probably make a big fuss out of this and go to small claims court because this is not covered by rules...I read them countless of times. To DELETE a guild not Suspended, Banned etc DELETED GUILD is not covered by rules. I find strange how Blizzard refuses to discuss their action and the "proof" that they have against you(me). You pay for a service at least you could have a full explanation i.e., honorbuddy.exe used on 21/4/13 etc etc etc. I opened countless tickets to ask why my chars in that guild were deleted and I got a standard answer, more or less: "we are not unbaning you we have evidence". I was only asking for an explanation and they keep telling me the unbanning is not allowed. Some chars in that guild were 100% non bot used and got banned too. Funnily enough I was MANUALLY farming on a char and I got banned during the farming process.

I stopped playing wow anyways on all my chars, canceled all subscriptions, looks like this company is going down big time now it was getting rather boring and was taking too much of my time...

Good luck to everyone who are STILL making money out of this or for fun, I only done it for my own pleasure... and many thanks Honorbuddy.

Hello guys so about 2 weeks ago I got my guild where I use to keep my gold DELETED. I opened a ticket and they don't want to discuss it and they are deleting my ticked immediately. I could probably make a big fuss out of this and go to small claims court because this is not covered by rules...I read them countless of times. To DELETE a guild not Suspended, Banned etc DELETED GUILD is not covered by rules. I find strange how Blizzard refuses to discuss their action and the "proof" that they have against you(me). You pay for a service at least you could have a full explanation i.e., honorbuddy.exe used on 21/4/13 etc etc etc. I opened countless tickets to ask why my chars in that guild were deleted and I got a standard answer, more or less: "we are not unbaning you we have evidence". I was only asking for an explanation and they keep telling me the unbanning is not allowed. Some chars in that guild were 100% non bot used and got banned too. Funnily enough I was MANUALLY farming on a char and I got banned during the farming process.

I stopped playing wow anyways on all my chars, canceled all subscriptions, looks like this company is going down big time now it was getting rather boring and was taking too much of my time...

Good luck to everyone who are STILL making money out of this or for fun, I only done it for my own pleasure... and many thanks Honorbuddy.


Maybe you need to re-read the TOS and EULA.

I don't need to read TOS and EULA. Deleting a guild is not mentioned in any of these.
I botted on some chars and whole guild got deleted along with chars that never botted. They can't do what they want.
I botted on some chars and whole guild got deleted along with chars that never botted. They can't do what they want.

They just did... what are you gonna do about it apart from words.

Nothing, the end.

I don't need to read TOS and EULA. Deleting a guild is not mentioned in any of these.

Reread the TOS, it also says that "any foreign program used to (essentially) bot is grounds for termination of account up to and including deletion"...I understand your point of view, but honestly, this thread is...dumb...You are using services owned by Blizzard, so therefore, they can do what ever the hell they want lol
Do you see any GUILD mentioned in the ToS. Is it dumb that Blizz deleted chars that never had a bot on them? How many people had their guilds deleted?As far as I know I am the only one and you find this normal?
We're not mean, his argument is invalid because he does not own the content in question. They can delete or ban anything/anybody they want to.

I also said in my prev post that I sympathize and I'm sorry to hear that.
Blizzard are greedy cock munchers.
If a hacker hacks your account, xfers all you characters, they wont xfer them back.
They dont give a shit, specially if your caught botting, and ESPECIALLY if you from EU so its a shitty deal but Giwin sums it up.

I had this happen to me back in wrath. I had used the curse client , then got hacked and cleaned and when i was getting stuff restored they only gave about 1/2 my stuff back. I lost some items that i could never get back from the 1st Naxx and i was upset at that at first but then I relized they xfered and deleted a whole toon that was a mule and GM of a guild. The toon and guild bank just gone! . I was like 0_0 so i contacted them and they told me the toon and guild were prob xfered off server and deleted and there was no way to restore them and that they had no logs of the toon exsisting. So i dug in my hard drive and even said look heres the WTF profile of the toon / guild in question and sent them a screenshot .. They said they couldn't do anything and i was Sol.

Honestly that was one of the worst hacks i had heard of all in all because I was officer of a top tier guild at the time too and they cleaned out our guild bank as well and easly netted 2mill + in gold ..

that whole friggin account is banned now along with few others. . but hey i raced this last time and got to ilv 510 in 3 weeks of creating a toon on a fresh account ;-)
We're not mean, his argument is invalid because he does not own the content in question. They can delete or ban anything/anybody they want to.

^^ This exactly.

We (the players) do not _own_ the game, nor the content.
Every toon, every item, every chunk of Boar Meat is owned by Blizzard.

If they want to give your hot-looking helmet the looks of a pigs-head, then they can. Full stop.
If they remove your super-duper-epic-sword-with-insane-stats with the next release, there's nothing you can do about it. Full stop.

If you disagree, there is only one thing you can do : quit the game.

The tou/tos/eula/sla/whatever are very clear about it.

Blizzard do no _need_ to explicitly mention any particular objects, like a guild or whatever, to include it in any action they are planning/executing.

I'm not being "mean", as suggested in an earlier post about others, but the general mistake people make is that they think they are the actual "owner" of any item in the game.
You're not ....
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You are wrong. Based on what you say that means you are renting a service when in fact you are BUYING a service. If that is true what you say, honorbuddy should not be available because it does what blizzard doesn't want it to do yet this is perfectly legal.

As I previously said, I quit the game I am not playing anymore I am not mad at all I fact I sort of laugh at most of you are self entitle blizzard slaves. You pay to be a slave...I like your attitude.

An account is under my property with my name and my address that I pay for it, I created that account and I own that, please go see a lawyer and you will get the same answer. You can't tell me that what is under my name, payment property is not owned by me. There are no TOS that specifiy a guild to be deleted along with all chars. I totally agree with an account getting banned though I opened a ticket about my guild and I got a reply that illegal activity was REPORTED on that guild so they deleted it along with chars that never botted, in fact they were level 90 manually farmed chars...When I mentioned that my ticket got deleted. I have all copies of this screenshots etc. I can probably make a bit fuss about it but I believe is not worth it or maybe it is, if I go to court they will have by law to present the evidence and proof in banning me, if everything is tangible I will pay whatever they want me to pay there is no problem. They cannot sue me for using a program which they could not stop or can't stop.

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So its your property?

"All rights and title in and to the Service (including without limitation any user accounts, titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialogue, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical compositions, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, moral rights, any related documentation, ?applets,? transcripts of the chat rooms, character profile information, recordings of games) are owned by Blizzard or its licensors. The Game and the Service are protected by United States and international laws, and may contain certain licensed materials in which Blizzard?s licensors may enforce their rights in the event of any violation of this Agreement."


"BLIZZARD MAY SUSPEND, TERMINATE, MODIFY, OR DELETE ANY BNET ACCOUNT OR WORLD OF WARCRAFT ACCOUNT AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON OR FOR NO REASON, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE TO YOU. For purposes of explanation and not limitation, most account suspensions, terminations and/or deletions are the result of violations of this Terms of Use or the EULA."

Notice how they say MODIFY :)

These are all taken from a TOS I think you forgot to read lol
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Hello guys so about 2 weeks ago I got my guild where I use to keep my gold DELETED. I opened a ticket and they don't want to discuss it and they are deleting my ticked immediately. I could probably make a big fuss out of this and go to small claims court because this is not covered by rules...I read them countless of times. To DELETE a guild not Suspended, Banned etc DELETED GUILD is not covered by rules. I find strange how Blizzard refuses to discuss their action and the "proof" that they have against you(me). You pay for a service at least you could have a full explanation i.e., honorbuddy.exe used on 21/4/13 etc etc etc. I opened countless tickets to ask why my chars in that guild were deleted and I got a standard answer, more or less: "we are not unbaning you we have evidence". I was only asking for an explanation and they keep telling me the unbanning is not allowed. Some chars in that guild were 100% non bot used and got banned too. Funnily enough I was MANUALLY farming on a char and I got banned during the farming process.

I stopped playing wow anyways on all my chars, canceled all subscriptions, looks like this company is going down big time now it was getting rather boring and was taking too much of my time...

Good luck to everyone who are STILL making money out of this or for fun, I only done it for my own pleasure... and many thanks Honorbuddy.


lol just that you got banned by doing stupid stuf in wow doesend mean this company goes down its your own fault you got banned not the bot.
Another one fails to understand that I am not upset to have my chars banned, I am upset to have my guild deleted without an explanation, when I open a ticket they close it. Don't you get it?. A GUILD IS NOT AN ACCOUNT. You can have 5 accounts banned but the Guild can still be there. I am still amazed how many people fail to understand this.
All rights and title in and to the Service (including without limitation they do not have to say specificly that the guild belongs to them it is after all part of the service provided. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY HEREIN, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT YOU SHALL HAVE NO OWNERSHIP OR OTHER PROPERTY INTEREST IN ANY ACCOUNT STORED OR HOSTED ON A BLIZZARD SYSTEM, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY BNET ACCOUNT OR WORLD OF WARCRAFT ACCOUNT, AND YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ALL RIGHTS IN AND TO SUCH ACCOUNTS ARE AND SHALL FOREVER BE OWNED BY AND INURE TO THE BENEFIT OF BLIZZARD, the guild was in fact created by an account stored on there system, was it not i believe that you should take your own advice if you feel it necessary and speak with a lawyer who will then tell you how invalid your argument truly is. YOU CLICKED ACCEPT. end of story