Hello guys so about 2 weeks ago I got my guild where I use to keep my gold DELETED. I opened a ticket and they don't want to discuss it and they are deleting my ticked immediately. I could probably make a big fuss out of this and go to small claims court because this is not covered by rules...I read them countless of times. To DELETE a guild not Suspended, Banned etc DELETED GUILD is not covered by rules. I find strange how Blizzard refuses to discuss their action and the "proof" that they have against you(me). You pay for a service at least you could have a full explanation i.e., honorbuddy.exe used on 21/4/13 etc etc etc. I opened countless tickets to ask why my chars in that guild were deleted and I got a standard answer, more or less: "we are not unbaning you we have evidence". I was only asking for an explanation and they keep telling me the unbanning is not allowed. Some chars in that guild were 100% non bot used and got banned too. Funnily enough I was MANUALLY farming on a char and I got banned during the farming process.
I stopped playing wow anyways on all my chars, canceled all subscriptions, looks like this company is going down big time now it was getting rather boring and was taking too much of my time...
Good luck to everyone who are STILL making money out of this or for fun, I only done it for my own pleasure... and many thanks Honorbuddy.
I stopped playing wow anyways on all my chars, canceled all subscriptions, looks like this company is going down big time now it was getting rather boring and was taking too much of my time...
Good luck to everyone who are STILL making money out of this or for fun, I only done it for my own pleasure... and many thanks Honorbuddy.