<Settings DefaultValue="250" Type="Int32" Name="Gold" Summary="How much gold should the Char save?" Category="Guildbank - Gold save" Global="False" Hidden="False" />
<InteractionAction InteractType="GameObject" Entry="0" InteractDelay="2000" GameObjectType="GuildBank" SpellFocus="Anvil" />
<WaitAction Condition="false" Timeout="2000" />
<CustomAction Code="Lua.DoString("local goldToKeep={0}*10000 local depositAmount=(GetMoney()-goldToKeep) if depositAmount > 0 then DepositGuildBankMoney(depositAmount) end",(int)Settings["Gold"]);" />
I'm not sure you are understanding the request, at least not what I would have expected.
Every toon that is in a guild gets a "mobile guild chest" or w/e its called. The plugin would literally drop the chest every hour or every 6 hours or every 5000 gold and deposit gold. Theres no need for movement at all.