1.6 Enchants, Gemming and Reforging
Head - 30sp, 20crit rating - Kirin Tor Revered
Shoulders - 24sp, 15crit rating - Sons of Hodir Exalted
Back - 23+ Haste Rating (or Lightweave Embroidery if you are a Tailor)
Chest - 10+ All Stats
Wrists - 30+ sp (or 76+ sp if you are a Leatherworker, or an extra socket if you are a Blacksmith)
Gloves - 28+ sp (or 340 Haste Rating if you are an Engineer, or an extra socket if you are a Blacksmith)
Belt - Eternal Belt Buckle (+ Gem of your choice)
Legs - 50+ sp, 20+ spirit or 50+ sp, 30+ stam (if you are struggling on high raid damage fights)
Boots - 15+ Stam and Increased Run Speed
With 4.0.1, Spell power gems are now Intellect gems. Intellect gems are now red. All your red sockets should have straight Runed Cardinal Rubies, which are 20+ Int gems. Also with our new Haste cap so high. If you are close to it after reforging you can use quick kings ambers to hit the haste cap.
All your yellow sockets can have either Runed Cardinal Rubies, or Reckless Ametrines. (10+ Int, 10+ Haste.)
All your Blue sockets should be taken up with either a Runed Cardinal Ruby or Reckless Amatrine or Quick Kings amber
Your meta gem should be a Ember Skyflare Diamond. (21+ Intellect and 2% Increased Mana).
You have two options when it comes to reforging. You can take Crit or spirit and turn it into Haste or Mastery.
If you are having mana issues, Reforge the crit to Haste/mastery.
If you are not having mana issues, Reforge the Spirit to Haste/mastery.
Reforge everything to Haste.. Unless there is already haste on the gear or you are at the 1016 Cap, after that. Reforge to mastery.
Addons and UI
The Main healing addon I use is called Vuhdoo. It's like healbot, but heaps more customizable.
I use Recount with Absorbs turned on for Keeping track of heals
Parrot for Scrolling combat Text
Ice HUD For my Health/mana Targets. Ect.