btw. i must run can't use mount, everytime he cast "Bronze Drake" when he mount him just run over hotspot and don't kill mobs i try all options no results ;/ i check the ground mount farm mode.
5/10 shards so far.
By the way... can the horde vendor be changed? Twice I've come back to find the bot trying to navigate around the pillar/mail box to get to the vendor to repair at Shrine... not a good look.
Anyway to avoid Shrine all together? Pretty busy place, if you can avoid it probably the best idea.
is there anyway i can setup it selling greens too and only keeping epics and blues? I want it to vendor my greens and everything else, but keep all blues and up.
thank you reply here or pm please thank you
Something I would like to know since latest patch; is it still possible to group with other players and roll for alani's mount?
One more thing; Do these badboys still drop from Mogu Spirits?
I Really hope they do, been farming them for 2 days now. Got 0 -.-