Try disabling the mount it just worked for attacks only to defens himself not to "farm" i mean he attacks all mobs who attack me/him...
Ok so stats:
After 8 hours everyday i got 10 shards in 4 days.
here loot list:
10x Skyshards
524 x Mote of Harmony
3 x items levl 450
1 x items levl 476
toons of green ( mats for like 4-5 enchanters that need to cap)
1 x ancient guo-lai chache key
Horde vendor still not working for me, i mean the one at the capital
Best profile ever, great work keep it up !
Profile works for me, grind for 10 hours now
0 Skyshards 1 EPIC many Greens etc.
Tricksters still drop them or they nerfed it?
Been running for 40 hours now, shitload of greens and stuff, 2k gold. 7 skyhards and 2-3 stacks spirit of harmony! Thanks!
This is my 2nd mount!