Does the Ancient Mogu Spirits drops the keys? No mention of that on wowhead...
yes. look at this two posts ===>
WoWHead doesn't have all the data yet, but they do infact drop keys. Infact most mobs around the vale drop the keys.
jeah thats correct. i try to explain this also before a few posts^^ thanks.
how could you loot Ancient Guo-Lai Cache Keys? Cause none of the mobs have that on loot table (at least looking on wowhead)
at the end of my farmtrip i have 18x Ancient Guo-Lai Cache Keys from these both mobs, i dont know which mobs drops how much exactly, but they drop both, i also see on wowhead there are no keys in the loot table, but i have it in my inventory, that confirms Ancient Guo-Lai Cache Keys drops from them, also when wowhead have no one in the loot table. not many users use the autoupload to wowhead and not many users farm on this spots/mobs, i was alone all time at this spots.
when i look at "Shao-Tien Torturer"
7 out of 56
56 kills where uploaded.. thats not much for statistics. also the 6x ilvl476 epics where not in the lootable from "stonebark trickster" at wowhead, they dropped and i have it
Skyshards = Lowdrop, Zone/Worlddrop
Ancient Guo-Lai Cache Keys = Lowdrop, Zone/Worlddrop
ilvl476 = Lowdrop, Zone/Worlddrop
there where many mobs who included this loots, but dont shown so at wowhead.