You cane get exalted With Celestials without getting reverved with lotus...Is it true that you need exalted with Order of the Cloud Serpent and The August Celestials and also revered with golden lotus before you can use the mount?
6 hours on the mogu says they dont drop a single key unless im very unlucky...
I have used this profile, it works great, but sometimes the bot is unable to loot the corpse, specially on elevated terrain. Bot just runs back and forth until the corpse despawns, which could easily get reported. I tried to search for the solution, but I haven't found any.
Any clue what could be wrong?
I'm using the Mogu Spirit Alliance profile.
Thanks in advance.
Neither of these mobs drops Guo-Lai Cache Keys anymore?
I've run it for like 4 days and haven't got one.
Also, the mount from Alani is now BoP...if it wasn't before. First time I got it was today.
ive been running both mogu and trickster profile, they are working completly fine exept one thing. They dont loot the dead targets. He just continue to kill without looting. I am not using the beta version of honor buddy. I move to the farmspot 1 or 2, activate profile and he kills the mobs ( tricksters or mogus) but just dont wanna loot them afterwards? Why is that?
I am sure that 125k is very low price.
Sell it for 250-300.
I sold one for 300k two weeks ago.
Bumping this. The risk of beeing banned is high. This problem started 2 days ago.