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Hi im using latest GB and noticed i can't increase the harvest range above 50. I can see several herbs on the minimap that it is running passed, anyone know if this can be increased somehow? Thanks.
I have manually ran over to the herbs then let it continue on by itself and it was fine, i think its more in danger of getting stuck on terrain the profile didn't intend it to run through, regardless having the option to increase the range and take the risk should be a choice the user can make.
I'd like to see a range increase on this. All my mounted profiles are in wide open spaces (tanaris, wetlands, etc) where terrain isn't so much an issue. The amount of times I see herbs in line-of-sight at ~80 yards but GB rides on by brings tears to my eyes.
Would it be possible to let that choice to the user? GB would be even greater that way!
I changed the range to 99 using a memory editor, and farming in wetland it didn't get stuck at all, just harvested more nodes.
Using the memory editor every time when starting a bot session is cumbersome though.