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[Grind] Zuabros' Glorious Breastplate (transmog) farm

I modified Singular for personal use and now it kicks azz..

EDIT: Killed 300 mobs now and not once it failed to face target.

Got my first breastplate today :-)

how did you modify it? I guess it's not class related, should be universal.
In helpers folder there's a file called movement.cs (Located inside the Singular folder)

        public static Composite CreateEnsureMovementStoppedBehavior()
            return new Decorator(
                ret => !SingularSettings.Instance.DisableAllMovement &&[B] StyxWoW.Me.GotTarget [/B]&& StyxWoW.Me.IsMoving,
                new Action(ret => Navigator.PlayerMover.MoveStop()));
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates a behavior that does nothing more than check if we're facing the target; and if not, faces the target. (Uses a hard-coded 70degree frontal cone)
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   Created 5/1/2011.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>.</returns>
        public static Composite CreateFaceTargetBehavior()
            return CreateFaceTargetBehavior(ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget);
        public static Composite CreateFaceTargetBehavior(UnitSelectionDelegate toUnit)
            return new Decorator(
                ret =>
                [B]StyxWoW.Me.GotTarget && StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.IsAlive && !StyxWoW.Me.IsMoving,
[/B]                new Action(ret =>
                                   return RunStatus.Failure;

Probably loads of errors but it suits my needs.
Got me 2 Breastplates ;)

Credit goes to ALL developers of Singular but if someone should get extra credit , it's Apoc for starting the Singular project.
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In helpers folder there's a file called movement.cs

Probably loads of errors but it suits my needs.
Got me 2 Breastplates ;)

Thanks for sharing. What class did you use this with? If it's a Ret Paladin, could I replace "ret" with "blood" or "dk" to get this working with my Blood DK?

I'd love to find a way to prevent this from pulling the entire room.
It works, no plugin needed, but the main problem I have with the profile is that I disable mvement from class, but it still moves to the 2 hotspots and it's constantly aggroing mobs. I'll try to juggle it a bit, meanwhile mb you guys have a solution.
Idk Disable Movement in Singular doesn't work. It goes to the first hotspot and then to the second and it starts pulling from there, which is too close... I can't make it STAY !!!!! I tried changing the hotspots but I don't have the right Z so it just wanders around trying to find it....
Any solutions?
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I'm Using a Blood DK.

The 2 hotspots are needed, Trust me.


"ret" isn't meaning it's for retribution paladins.

Helpers is a global folder and applies to all CC's built in into Singular.

And you probably have to SVN for a newer Singular than the one packed with HB.
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Can't blame botters for being smart.

Glorious Breastplates starts to show up on AH on my realm for the first time.
Not hard to figure out that the sellers are bots.

I wouldn't post them on ah right now tbh.

Can't blame botters for being smart.

Glorious Breastplates starts to show up on AH on my realm for the first time.
Not hard to figure out that the sellers are bots.

I wouldn't post them on ah right now tbh.

Yea I've noticed this too lol. Went from just me to multiple chests now.
I expect the price on these to be around 1k each in 2 weeks.

Botters on my realm are too bright when it comes to pricing ;)
Cheers m8!

Getting 498 kills an hour with the settings Savatorious posted. First chest after 2.5 hours.
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When I get knocked back it no longer loots the ones on the floor what do? and whenever I get far back it trys to get closer is there a way to pull it at a longer range?

Edit: Just figured out when it gets knockback too much it will run back to square one and loot whatevers there
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That's why the hotspots are needed.

because of the knockbacks from the mobs.
it's the 2 hotspots allready in the profile.

I didn't modify it..

Only a minor Singular modification i've done.
For paladins, If your bot keeps missing loot, or pulling the general boss, Try using the CC EzRet, and use the combatlooter plugin. EzRet will have movement enabled but however it keeps attacking the mobs, and facing them without hazzface, and looting during combat too, without pulling general. Ive been using this CC for about 5hours straight now, and ive experienced no deaths, or accidental boss pulls.

When using EzRet, make sure you change the Class Config at 'Heal Rotation' to use Word of Glory at 30% hp (30) and Lay on hands at 30% (30) too. This will ensure you will never die.

Make sure you set disable inquisition to False, and Inquisition refresh time to 3, This will optimise dmg during your grind and acquire you more kill/hr :)


Disable HazzFace
Use EzRet: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/classes/paladin/28655-ezret-simple-pvp-cc.html
Use CombatLooter: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/uncataloged/49999-plugin-combat-looter.html
Adjust EzRet to the settings stated above.

If your character is fighting on top of the respawns, do not worry :) the character will remain there, pwning both adds asap they respawn and loot at the same time, forever. I can assure you from using this setup that it will never pull the boss :)

Good luck fellow paladins!

Additionally I am going to try this for warriors with the CC EzArms. Hopefully it will yield the same results, however I'm concerned about the healing potential, but I know my warrior is capable of oneshotting nearly any add below 100k hp due to its gear (itemlevel 395) and the CC EzArms should use enraged regeneration on CD when low hp around 40%. I will update this when I discover whenever its successful or not!

Thats nice but watched it and it attacked one of the boss mob packs after 2 hours. Using ret pally.

I'm running this on my DK and I get 2 weird things happening :
1) It mounts, moves away from the room and idles
2) It's health keeps dropping, as if its not using deathstrike at all

I am using the Deathstrike CC with a frost build, again, it should heal shouldn't it?

Here's the log View attachment 4-27-2012_4_04 AM 5300 Log.zip

I did have to change loot to 4 instead of 5, because 5 was running to hug Rajaxx. Then my HB Crashed while I was setting up Item Remover, re-launched it with 5 worked. It still runs away from the mobs like mad, its a fresh hb, made only for this :o

Thank you for the profile btw =)