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Constantly getting knocked off of Frostwolf War Wolf mount -- Keeps trying to resummon mount while being attacked by 3 talbuks. Insta-dead. Anyone got a fix for this or what.
For now I will increase my mount distance to max and hope that works to disable the ground mount.
So far seems like enabling max mount distance is doing the trick of staying off the mount.
Other then not being able to use the mount it's nice thanks.
Good grind profile, I would suggest it pick up Windrocs and those ugly bull looking things with the horns, forgot the name. All skinnable, and a lot of them in that area.
I avged 196 loots an hour on a 635 BM Monk. Ended with a total of 286 Raw beast hide scraps. ( Still leveling my skinning )
Prices dropped drastically on my server, avged about 1k gold an hour.