as update to previous post
I catched and confirmed "bugged"
Furnace Engineer - NPC - World of Warcraft
with autotarget disabled
[20:29:08.691 N] [08:691]: [Moonfire][On: Охранник] [HP:41.9%][Reason: mf_remains<12]
[20:29:09.768 N] [09:768]: [Starfire][On: Boss] [HP:92.1%][Reason: Filler]
---------------------- here I select
Furnace Engineer - NPC - World of Warcraft
[20:29:15.724 D] EnyoPause pressed. ------------------- here I start spaming start/stop when I confirm - Stars does nothing
[20:29:15.724 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused!
[20:29:16.126 D] EnyoPause pressed.
[20:29:16.126 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed!
[20:29:16.730 D] EnyoPause pressed.
[20:29:16.730 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused!
[20:29:17.133 D] EnyoPause pressed.
[20:29:17.133 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed!
[20:29:17.535 D] EnyoPause pressed.
[20:29:17.535 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused!
[20:29:18.138 D] EnyoPause pressed.
[20:29:18.138 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed!
[20:29:19.746 D] EnyoPause pressed.
[20:29:19.746 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused!
[20:29:20.149 D] EnyoPause pressed.
[20:29:20.149 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed!
[20:29:20.652 D] EnyoPause pressed.
[20:29:20.652 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused!
[20:29:21.057 D] EnyoPause pressed.
[20:29:21.057 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed!
[20:29:21.101 N] [21:101]: [Starfall][On: Me] [HP:100.0%][Reason: AoE Damage]
[20:29:21.558 D] EnyoPause pressed.
[20:29:21.558 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused!
[20:29:21.960 D] EnyoPause pressed.
[20:29:21.960 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed!
[20:29:22.375 N] [22:375]: [Moonfire][On: Инженер Горнила] [HP:39.0%][Reason: mf_remains<12] ------ here's bugged NPS is not more bugged, and Stars able to attack him
[20:29:23.726 N] [23:726]: [Starfire][On: Инженер Горнила] [HP:38.3%][Reason: Filler]
[20:29:26.182 N] [26:182]: [Starfire][On: Инженер Горнила] [HP:31.1%][Reason: Filler]