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- Jun 14, 2010
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is there a chance there might be a public release ver
Can't push without testing... - u can apply as tester though.
is there a chance there might be a public release ver
any chance of you making a feral cr?
Loved the overall feeling.There is the mount-dismount problem that it's a little annoying tho.
Any chance you can also provide a ''default settings'' zip like you did with the leaves community edition?That would be awesome.
I also like the pricing, it's accessible for everyone(i think)![]()
+ All : Merge Beta into Release
+ All : Populated NeedRest, for use with afk botbases
+ All : Tweaked NeedRest
+ PvE : Pullbehavior will now attempt to stop moving
+ PvE : Pullbehavior only runs if we have a KillPoi
+ PvE : PullBehavior now checks target range, if < 12 yd use instant cast or instant cast if another person possibly competing for mob
+ PvE : PullBehavior will now try to stop moving and cast a Wrath/Starsurge/Starfire to have benefit of missile travel time
+ All : Dismount code splitted in 3 entries
+ All : Dismounting for KillPoi closer then 40 yd,
+ All : Dismounting when in combat and not moving, having a target # When we are stuck on mount on BGBuddy for example
+ All : Updated StopMovement Code, hopefully it doesn't bug out anymore
+ PvE : PullBehavior will try to move a little closer, if it can't pull
+ All : Re-Wrote Restbehavior, uses Healing Touch , Rejuvenation, Drinks and Food
+ All : RestBehavior now has a entry for Revive, to allow it to ress people while we are in restbehavior
+ All : RestBehavior now waits for Ress sickness to end as well
+ All : Properly hooked RestBehaviior now, no recursive call
+ All : Fix for Mushroom mouseover hotkey
+ All : Added settings for drink/eating
+ All : Changed rangecheck for Revive to 40yd instead of Spell/Unit calc, maybe it fails?
+ All : Changed rangecheck for Rebirth to 40yd instead of Spell/unit calc, maybe it fails?
+ All : Added a scan to check if we can actually Rebirth, keep track
+ All : Throttled UseREbirth, to reduce lag
+ All : Throttled UseRevive, to reduce lag
+ GUI : Title of Settings window now shows current version as well, makes easier for user to report stuff
+ All : IsMoving override no longer chekcs Keys.None..returning true
+ All : IsMoving override now only returns true if TimeMoved > 0.2
+ PvP : Don't Powershift out of roots.. when we are not trying to move.. looks stupid
+ All : All Presets now get updated on launch
Since when did people start to charge money for shit?
If there's a free profile doing more dps than your PAID profile, you might want to write its a work in progress before you scam anyone.
Hello shitter. If you check it got rekt by the free profile. Some guy dummy tested it earlier in the thread.
i told you alerday you are just dump to how use his profile lol with his CR i beat that free one so go way and dont not talk like this way to me again !
I tested both of the routines, and its not rocket science lol, not a whole lot of diffrent options you can use for damage increase. This routine might be amazing in PvP, I haven't tried. but from what I have tested it does less damage than the free.
send me the logs and screen shots from your both test.
klepsvik , how is your settings under multidotting , and what have as trinkets can you do a mask profile to see your trinkets first , there is new options under the trinkets like when trinkets proccs to use the coldown and if you have one use trinket to use it with the procc trinket now , etc
How exactly does this matter, It's not like one of the routines have advantage just because of my gear, They were both tested with exactly same gear, same talents, and long enough wait time for trinkets and racials to get ready.
Since when did people start to charge money for shit?
If there's a free profile doing more dps than your PAID profile, you might want to write its a work in progress before you scam anyone.
My tests were done with your default raid settings, without auto spread tho, the few times i did try auto spread, was even a lower dps decrease for me, But it might just be because my gear is low. I just tought I would share my experience. I do like the logic behind the routine tho, I guess i will try again once i'm above 570.