Having a hard time with this routine, I followed the instruction to gain more HPS and for some reason it ain't working. My ilvl is 671, and i also go oom by the end of the fight so.. I wish i knew what to do here.
I guess with gear it will get better. I am doing BRF heroic atm.
Anyone got settings with gear around my Ilvl ? I pull around 15k hps to 26k hps the healers in my group are very well gear and i get carried.. I hate that.
Having a hard time with this routine, I followed the instruction to gain more HPS and for some reason it ain't working. My ilvl is 671, and i also go oom by the end of the fight so.. I wish i knew what to do here.
I guess with gear it will get better. I am doing BRF heroic atm.
Anyone got settings with gear around my Ilvl ? I pull around 15k hps to 26k hps the healers in my group are very well gear and i get carried.. I hate that.
At 671 I was able to get 30-40k HPS in most BRF fights. Keep in mind, certain fights are just not the best for druid healers. Also, your HPS will inherently drop if your fellow healers heal very aggressively.
I think it's important to keep in mind that so long as people aren't dying from insufficient heals, you've done your job, even if your numbers aren't that high. Unlike DPS, there is a limited amount of healing that can be done at any given time. Whichever healer hits it first gets the numbers. If I had to guess, I would say that going OOM and putting up low numbers has a few possible culprits: *
*Using direct heals.. like, at all. Druids should probably only use regrowth on clearcasting procs and low HP tanks. If you're using regrowth more often than that, you're wasting mana. Also, the cast time can't compete with other healers using instants. Just set Healing Touch to 1/1/1 and Regrowth to 25tank/15heal/1dps. The routine will still use them to maintain your mastery proc.
*Using wild growth at too high of an HP threshold. Wild growth eats up your mana like crazy. It's a great spell and can earn you huge HPS, but if you use it at like 90% you're gonna generate MOSTLY overheal at a huge mana cost.
*Not manually casting Wild Mushroom. Wild Mushroom generates a lot of HPS, but you should manual cast it. The routine has a tendency to move it too often which eats a lot of mana. You can anticipate where it needs to be better than the routine can, imho.
* Using Dream of Cenarius too much results in low HPS but high mana efficiency. I like this talent, but the routine doesn't control it that well. I use a hotkey to assign 3 profiles to hotkeys.
Alt + C = High threshold Rejuv + Wild Growth (DOC Deactivate) spam profile (like 90-95%). I use this during encounters like Flamebender, Darmac, Brackenspore etc where people start taking huge raid damage. Right before Infesting Spores/Tantrum/FlameyAOEThingy I activate this profile so it will HoT everyone up as soon as raid damage starts.
Alt + D is Moderate Threshold Rejuv + Wild Growth (Like 80% rejuv, 70% Germinate, DOC Deactivated). I use this during most of the rest of the time during fights when a few people might take a big spike from failing a mechanic but otherwise not much is going on.
Alt + E is identical to the Alt + D profile, except it has DOC activated. I just use this sometimes when everyone is topped off to conserve some mana by using DOC. You DEFINITELY need to control DoC manually, because healing routines will sometimes continue to wrath spam despite it being more appropriate to start throwing out raidwide heals. It will complete a just started wrath cast, even though 6 people just took a big spike and it's more appropriate to cancel wrath and swap to Wild Growth or whatever. Hopefully someday the druid routines will be updated to interrupt DoC spam but for now you should control whether DoC is activated or not.
*Disable routine using Genesis or Tranquility. You should control these yourself. It's better to use them proactively rather than reactively. Genesis burns mana like a madness and a well time tranquility can earn you 30k HPS all by itself (assuming some monk doesn't pop revival and ruin your CD).
*Turn off the mana saver option. I have no idea what exactly this does, but I found that it never saved me mana but tended to cause very passive healing.
*I also recommend setting Soul of the Forest to only proc on Wild Growth. It significantly increases mana costs to use it with single target heals for not much gain. If you have an emergency you can proc it manually.