I had all the talents set up in the comments section that was there, I am going to double-check.
[04:24:27.365 N] [27:365]: Mark of the Wild => Me at 100.0(-0.0/s)% No Stats on me
[04:24:30.106 D] [30:106]: Rebuilding Talents
[04:24:30.163 N] [30:163]: Talents: Feline Swiftness, Yseras Gift, Typhoon, Incarnation, Incapacitating Roar, Dreamof Cenarius, Germination,
[04:24:30.163 D] [30:163]: Rebuilding Glyphs
[04:24:30.190 N] [30:190]: Glyphs: Travel, Nature's Cure, Sprouting Mushroom, Regrowth, Grace, Rejuvenation,
[04:24:30.190 N] [30:190]: Context or Settings changed, (re)hooking healing behaviors
[04:24:30.190 D] Replaced hook [Leaves_Heal] 1752ed6f-f4a3-4e1e-884c-024e4844e6f1
[04:24:30.190 D] Replaced hook [Leaves_Pre_Combat] 3333bab3-c2ec-48cd-aabc-901a5b608e7b
[04:24:30.190 D] Replaced hook [Leaves_Rest] 72777eda-42f0-49b1-b63e-39f487b0a4c0
[04:24:30.190 D] Replaced hook [Leaves_Death] 84b96ba5-80a5-4c9d-be91-ea39a0966d94
[04:24:54.156 D] [54:156]: Party/Raid Changed, re-scanning roles
[04:25:03.805 N] [03:805]: Clearing/Updating Wild Mushroom data
[04:25:03.917 N] [03:917]: Current Wave: 1
I have Incarnation there, I set up the talents exactly to what was there on the comments.
Talent Calculator - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
I did have force of nature, but before I started the PG, where wave 1 is, you'll see I changed it again to Incarnation.