Here is the Setting File.
tryd both, with True and False ... still dont start
Yes sorry,You mean save it in the "Providers" subfolder? Or somewhere else?
Yes sorry,
Bots\Greedy\Data\Providers\* save it there. Realm names should be lowercase and ignore the',- special names in it. Will try and fix the download when I get home in a few hours
Hmm, tried both the tab-delimited and comma-delimited files, but both don't seem to work. I've named them [Wowuction_sylvanas(random server name used for protection of privacy)].csv, no region whatsoever, but still no luck. Am I missing something?
Now it loaded about 11800 Items ... and i see in settings last updated 07. February.
Now i have in Honorbuddy.
[28:481]: DoneBehavior - Has no requirements set => Disabled. Please Check!
[Singular] Your Level 90 Night Elf Feral Druid Build is
[Singular] ... running the Greedy bot in Stormwind City
[Singular] ... Zone: Eastern Kingdoms using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[00:377]: WoWUction Data Loaded: New Items: 11879 -- Total Items: 11879
[05:299]: BatchLocalize retrieved 11874 out of 11879 in 4911ms
[58:194]: Load Inventory Method B took: 48,0ms Filtering 2 items down to 1.
Glad u got it to work, sad it stutters..never had that issue with it ;oI got it to work, populated the buy/sell lists and off it went... But it stutters like crazy and I can't even make it to the AH on my potato of a machine. *sigh* I guess I'll have to wait on the official fix for the FPS issues of HB, before using Greedy. Keep up the good work mate and I'll be back as soon as my toon can actually do something in game, while streaming from the Buddystore.
Hmmm, another update - I stopped all streaming products from the Buddystore, except for Greedy, stopped all my addons and switched from DX11 to DX9. It now moves correctly and with very slight stutterings (my FPS drops to sub-20, but that's way better than the 2 I was getting before). My toon went to the AH, started scanning and threw "Exception has occurred in BuyCustomandAutoItems || (See log file for more information)" and "]: Exception has occurred in SellCustomandAutoItems || (See log file for more information)". I'm guessing that would be the log that HB created. I'm attaching that.
It will say it's empty if the file doesn't have ur realm ;o
PS: Realm must be enabled in the app.
I dont have any items on sell / buy.. do i have to put them manually? Or how to set it up?
What exactly to do ...
Which AHs are supported currently? I'm sorry if that question has already been answered, just can't seem to find it.
I dont have any items on sell / buy.. do i have to put them manually? Or how to set it up?
What exactly to do ...
Check the first posts in the thread - you have to add the items you want to buy/sell manually. You can get the file with the price points from WowUction, but you still have to tell the base what to buy and sell. It takes about 10 mins total if you read all the instructions thoroughly - at least that's what it took me, and I am not the brightest tool in the shed. Good luck!
When I try to login the app it says my account is blocked even though I just made it.. Thanks for your reply btw!