The user-agents were randomized from a private array hmmm - will change them but will take some more measures.
Probably the increase in traffic & Sapu being active himself:
can't make lists to sellView attachment 167125
Had aisha check, but what exactly isn't working? It should properly use Russian names etc.ok, Mirabis) seems like Greedy wont work only on Russian servers. Because it works fine on EU both with WoWUction and TSM.
Edit. Hmm, it wont buying anything... just try to sell items. I add interesting for me items in list for buying and selling, Whats wrong?
Edit2. i push my log after 3-5 hours-work
Yea he is watching this thread. Suggest not to post any more settings files in here since it has the API keys and character names.
Edit: Don't want to give him any ideas. Concerns sent via PM.
Your account has been permanently locked.
Your account has been flagged as using our API in a manner which is against our Terms of Use (
This is a permanent ban. No further action is required. If you believe this was done in error, please respond to this email.
-Sapu and the rest of the TSM team
that letter![]()
Same story, even happened to me while i was offl for about 7hrs (at least that was the time i received the mail)
Here 2 logs from EU server. Whats wrong with buying?
Im still stuck trying to do the setup wizard.. as I said yesterday the api keys it doesnt save them after I put them into the boxes so the bot doesnt think there is anything there.. also I am getting a value of 4.99999999999... is not valid for "value."
Here log from RU server. API from Wowuction and TSM right. Idk what i can do with it
Same here, same error. tried with wowuction and with tradeskillmaster... still error
here you go.
thanks alot)Fixed today, having dinner now then zipping and uploading etc.
Yeshaving a few probs
#1 when i try loading it with TSM -> 'download file failed: The remote server returned an error400) bad request.
#2 when i try loading it with wowuction -> keeps spamming 'starting to merge new auctioninfo into itemnamedatabase.
also the message [##:###] wowUction data loaded: new items: 0 --
total items: 0
nothing seems to export/write to the files, i know ur busy with that but will that fix this problem?
Fixed today, having dinner now then zipping and uploading etc.